Summer training camp

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Hiei's pov:

It was now time for the summer camp,which I'm a bit excited about,I wore my uniform.

 I prepare my bag,and something like that,after a few hours I was ready to leave and in a matter of seconds I teleported to Tsu's house a bit early,I knock on the door and Tsu opened it,she was on her uniform and there was a toast in her mouth,I c...

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I prepare my bag,and something like that,after a few hours I was ready to leave and in a matter of seconds I teleported to Tsu's house a bit early,I knock on the door and Tsu opened it,she was on her uniform and there was a toast in her mouth,I chuckled

Tsuyu:"why so early? Kero" she ask as she grab the toast in her mouth to speak "you know the usual Hiei" I joked her to which she chuckled at it "anyways I'm almost done,kero" she said as she went inside for a moment and came out with a bag and two toast "here have some,kero" she said as she give me one toast "thank you" I replied and grab the toast and started eating it while we head to UA high,after some time we finally arrived,and all of us class 1-A gathered for Aizawa sensie to announce

Aizawa sensie:"UA high has finished its first semester and started summer vacation. However,those of you trying to be Heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for greater heights for "plus ultra!"

Everyone:"YES SIR!" after his announcement we were doing some random chit chats here and there

Uraraka:"Deku" Uraraka said as she run towards Midoriya,I in the distance watch the two lovebirds "it's finally time for the training camp in the woods,huh?" She continued and broke Midoriya's personal space which made him full red,and he move his arms around as he avoided eye contact

Midoriya:"Y-yes that's right, Uraraka!" He replied

Me on the other hand was just watching everything when I feel something wrapped around my waist,I look behind myself and saw the cutest girl I'd ever seen, Tsu

Hiei:"what's gotten you so clingy at this time,Tsu dear?" I ask as I did a smile "I dunno,ribbit" she replied as she closes her eyes,too cute. Out of nowhere Uraraka started dancing.

Uraraka:"it's time for the training camp! Training camp! Training camp!" Kaminari and Ashido suddenly danced along,I was chuckling at their excitement, when Monoma just had to ruin it something.

Monoma:"what? There are people in class A taking extra classes?" Monoma interrupted as he did a face that I would punch any second if Tsu was not holding me "Does that mean you had people who failed the finals? What? Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? Aren't they suppose to be better than class B? How can that be?" He was then karate chop by Kendo AKA their class representative

Kendo:"excuse us" she said as she drag Monoma to their bus,all of us class 1-A sweat dropped,she then told her class to go inside their bus,and Ida started telling us to go inside our bus with a weird hand signs.

All of us got inside and everyone was so loud I have to say

All of us got inside and everyone was so loud I have to say

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