Teachers vs Students final part

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(okay,okay let's skip to all the fights if that's okay with ya,if you don't want to,its better if you watch it on your own)

Hiei's pov:

Everyone trying their best to fight the teachers is freaking awesome,today it was the three of us turn,so we quickly went to our perspective area and it was a place with a bunch of houses and a highway

Hiei:"Yaoyoruzu any plans?" I ask as the three of us started running around,by the looks of it,she doesn't have any confidence to make one

Todoroki:"just keep making small objects,can you handle that?" Todoroki requested,to which she followed but something about me is telling that she has an idea but doesn't have the urge to do it,she then started making matryoshka dolls(is it correct?) Anyways just when the three of us looked around Aizawa sensie suddenly attack just Infront of us,I quickly made a move and made black flames in my palms and shot it right at him,he jump away and landed in the distance, Todoroki then stand beside me as both of us prepared flames in our hands

Todoroki:"Yaoyoruzu go!" Todoroki yelled as Aizawa sensie rushed towards us and use his scarf and wrap it around us luckily I manage to react in time and jump as high as I could,I safely landed in a certain roof,and look around only to found Todoroki already taped and was hanged in the a metal(Idk what to call it) I immediately made a move and burned the tapes,to my surprise it didn't burn immediately,and as I was burning the taped I felt something wrap around me,I turn to look behind me and realized it was Aizawa sensie,I was about to use my quirk,but he quickly erased it,I grit in frustration

Hiei:"c'mon Yaoyoruzu,you better win,were both relying at you" I thought as Aizawa sensie hanged me beside Todoroki

Hiei:"wow,can't believe we're being caught" I sighed in frustration as Todoroki nodded "well,let Yaoyoruzu win for us,I Believe in her" he replied as I did a little smirk "you really cared about her,do you?" As soon as I said this he immediately turned to look at me in confusion at the same time he has a blush in his face,and that's when I realized he has a crush on Yaoyoruzu,just then we saw Yaoyoruzu running towards us

Hiei:"Yaoyoruzu?" I ask in confusion "I can't leave you guys here" she said nervously,I took a deep breath "Yaoyoruzu I believe you can win this. What's your plan? I'm sure you have one" I said trying to courage her "do you know why you have two votes when choosing the class representative?" Todoroki ask "it's because I'm one of them" oh now I realize it,I was the second one tho,I voted for her "same goes for me Yaoyoruzu,you see we both believe that your the one worth to be class representative,but I ended being the one..." I said,and Yaoyoruzu manage to free us from.the hard asf tape,and out of nowhere she shouted "L/N, TODOROKI CLOSE YOUR EYES!" we immediately closed our eyes and Aizawa sensie was about to attack us when out of nowhere a bright light hit our eyes luckily I manage to closed my eyes,after the sudden light died down I opened my eyes,and could see Aizawa was blinded

Yaoyoruzu:"I have a plan" she said as both of us landed behind her "A special operation just to beat Mr. Aizawa" she continued and immediately Aizawa sensie attacked us with his scarf we manage to jump away,I readied my flames in my hands and Todoroki did the same but before we did, Todoroki's quirk was erased so I immediately stop "guys let's hide!" I exclaimed with Yaoyoruzu and Todoroki nodding,us three then started running as Aizawa was chasing us "keep checking if your ice quirk isn't erased" she said "guys do your jobs I'll do my job" I said "L/n-" "whether you like it or not,start your plan I believe in you both" Yaoyoruzu nodded,so I teleported behind Aizawa and to my surprise he predicted it and tried kicking me but I jump away "your way too predictable L/n" he said as he stared right into my soul which erased my quirk,I gritted my teeth as I think of a plan "I hope I distracted him enough for you both" I said in my mind as Aizawa sensie wrap me with his scarf fast enough for me to not react in time,as he did that a large ice was heading for us and Aizawa sensie jump away with me getting dragged "FUCK MY SCROTUM-" Aizawa cut me off by hitting me hard on the ground,which fucking hurt,and blood started dripping in my head,he was distracted enough to not stare at me,thanks Yaoyoruzu,I quickly teleported towards the both of them,once I did I saw Yaoyoruzu making Aizawa sensie's scarf "the hell you doing?" "Shut up for once in your life" said Todoroki as if he was mad "geez,don't get too overprotective,I won't steal her" this immediately confuse Yaoyoruzu,I look at her and she made three black cloak,and mannequin,and a catapult.

Yaoyoruzu then wrap the cloak in the three mannequin,and it work, Aizawa sensie fell for it and chased it,then the cloak was removed and showed  catapult,and immediately Yaoyoruzu cut the rope that was holding something in it,and Aizawa sensie's scarf that she made quickly surrounded him,and the other two mannequins were me and Todoroki, Yaoyoruzu told us to fire and we immediately shot our flames,the scarf was then wrapped around him and he cannot do anything,and as our flames died down he was left tied up,which the three of us were the winners.

Hiei:"guys we did a great team,I wish we could team up more-" I was then smacked in the head "you were too selfish and attacked him immediately,you acted without thinking,please next time don't do that" said the sister Yaoyoruzu who disciplined me like a sister would "sorry sis" I replied as I turn into a chibi version and Yaoyoruzu, Todoroki included,I held my head and there was something bulging as it hurt if I touch it

After it we head to the surveillance room and could see everyone amazed by us

Hiei:"guys we should talked often" I said with a smile,as I thought that I'd be the third wheel to this couple, Todoroki nodded and so was Yaoyoruzu,I approach everyone while crossing my arms as I keep my straight asf face, however Mineta out of nowhere tackled me in the ground

Hiei:"WHAT THE FUCK,LET ME FUCKING GO YOU PERVERT!" I said enraged by this fucker "how big is Yaoyoruzu's boobs?" I manage to free my hands and pushed him away, avoiding from killing his ass "like if I'll watch her in that condition" I said in my neutral tone,which everyone was surprised.

After the intense fight of Midoriya and Bakugou from All Might, everyone was now about to go home,and us usual trio were about to go home when I noticed something odd about Tsu,she would always have her neutral look but this time she looked nervous

Hiei:"bird head" I called Tokoyami to which he looked at me "please go on your own for now,I'll have a conversation with Tsu" I said in a serious tone which suprise Tsu,and Tokoyami walked away,and I look at her "you seem off,what's up?" I ask her to which a blush appeared in her face "it's just I often get weird feelings when I'm around you,so I ask the girls and they said I'm in love,at first I don't realize it a lot,but the more I hangout with you,the more I received this feelings,and that's when I found out I like you,so Hiei L/n,w-would you want to be my boyfriend" I was indeed shock at this,my crush confessing me? Now that's whole 'nother level,I then leaned forward and hugged her

Hiei:"I like you too,ever since we've meet,Tsuyu Asui,I'd love to be your boyfriend" I replied "you do?" I nodded to which she was happy about,after that we both head to our station and sat in silence, enjoying each others company.......

After that we went to our perspective houses and doze off

Random facts:I don't have anything to say for today so I'll just say the ships that are available in this story Izuocha,Kamijirou,Kirimina,Todomomo,Emizawa(Aizawa x Ms joke),and last but not the least Yukiyami

(No random events for today, sorry for the rushミ⁠●⁠﹏⁠☉⁠ミ)

(No random events for today, sorry for the rushミ⁠●⁠﹏⁠☉⁠ミ)

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