Tsuyu's Birthday

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(Just so you know,this is not an episode,it's just a special chapter)

In February 12

Hiei's pov:

I just realized that it's Tsu's birthday today, luckily we manage to prepare everything secretly, without her knowing,today I'm in the mall,looking for some perfect gifts to Tsu,after I manage to find one,I went to the isle where you'll buy gift wrappers,and buy it,I then went to a food place to eat my breakfast,I was buying F/food and F/drink,I then went to my seat and started eating,while doing so I found something that made me spit out my drink

I just realized that it's Tsu's birthday today, luckily we manage to prepare everything secretly, without her knowing,today I'm in the mall,looking for some perfect gifts to Tsu,after I manage to find one,I went to the isle where you'll buy gift w...

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The pic really made me laugh but held it,after some eating time I throw the wrappers in the trash can,still trying to forget my experience,and went to the Asui residence,since her parents allowed her to,so I knock at their house and Midoriya opened the door luckily,I greeted everyone as I hid my gift for Tsu, everyone was almost finished working their assigned parts,so I went to the kitchen and saw Mr. and Mrs. Asui,what made me suprise was her dad had more of a toad appearance,but that's not a problem

Hiei:"Greetings Mr and Mrs Asui" I said as I bow a bit

Mrs Asui:"Dear,no need to bow, I'm really thankful for you guys to celebrate it,I also didn't expect all of Tsuyu's classmates went here" she said in a sweet tone "I'm Beru Asui,and this is my husband,Ganma Asui" she said as she introduced herself and his husband "Pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs Asui,I'm Hiei L/n,I'm one of Tsu's friends" I said in my polite tone "Hiei L/n? I've heard that name coming out in Satsuki's mouth,she said you are so nice and kind,the same goes for Samidare. My,my,my daughter finally found a boy worth for her,in her past she doesn't have a lot of friends,I mean her classmates do talk to her,but she only has one close friend" she said as I felt my cheeks warming a bit "That's very nice of the both of them to say,and I'm glad to be friends with her" I said,while also noticing that Mr Asui wasn't talking, instead he stared at me "Can I ask?" He finally said,I then nod at him "Do you like my older daughter?" He ask,this time my face turned tomato-like "W-well I do,I'm sorry if you don't like it,but I really do" I respond as he thinks for a while "Alright,you have my permission on dating here,but..." He pauses as he did a face that made me flinch "break her heart and you won't be able to see the light" I sweat drop at this a nod furiously "Yes sir,I promise you I will" I said as I crack a small smile.

Meanwhile Mina and Hagakure

The gossip queen overhead my conversation with the Asui parents,and squealed a bit, Hagakure then come up with an idea

Hagakure:"I have a plan" she said as a lighted bulb went to her head "spill the beans" said Ashido "maybe we can convince them to be all alone and..." She pauses as she pulls out a mistletoe "I'll hang this to the area where they stand or sit!" She said excitedly "good idea!" Both of them squealed

Back to Hiei

While we were having a conversation,I heard some squealing sounds,so I told them I should prepare everything and have some permission to go to Tsu's room and they reluctantly agreed,so I went outside and then see the so-called Ashido and Hagakure,I then stared daggers at them

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