Sports Festival part 2

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Author's pov:

So it's the second round

Ibara Shiozaki vs Hiei L/n

Katsuki Bakugou vs Kirishima Eijiro

Tenya Iida vs Shoto Todoroki

Izuku Midoriya vs Mina Ashido

Tsuyu Asui vs Tokoyami Fumikage

First match:Ibara Shiozaki vs Hiei L/n

First Hiei's name was called,he went to the ground with the same face he had against Momo,while Ibara showed no emotion, Midnight said 'start' so the match would start,Hiei rush at Ibara with great speed, Ibara then spawn some vines just in front of Hiei, luckily he jump away,and as he landed,he then rush at her again,this time moving side to side, confusing the emotionless girl,she then extend both of her hands and a bunch of vines sprouted in Hiei's way,this time Hiei teleported,and continued rushing at her,as he got closer enough,he grab her by her shoulder and push her out in the arena,but she didn't trip lucky for Hiei

Midnight:"Shiozaki is out in the arena,L/n goes to the next match!!"

Everyone cheered for Hiei,but he still had his usual face,he turn to look at Ibara

Hiei:"sorry if I push you out roughly" after you said that you left the arena

Second round:Katsuki Bakugou vs Kirishima Eijiro

First Bakugou's name was called, and again he had that usual face he has,then Kirishima's name was called and he had that brave aura he has, Present Mic then speak to start the match, Kirishima harden his body first before rushing at Bakugou,as he got closer enough,he throw a barrage of punches towards Bakugou,as for Bakugou he just
Dodged the punches,just then Kirishima throw a punch that barely hits Bakugou's cheek,slicing it a bit,as blood drip out in Bakugou's cheek,this time he's more pissed and again use a large amount of explosions,that which could have gotten Kirishima killed, luckily he was just left unconscious


everyone cheered for Bakugou,as he just let out a 'tch',and then left..

Third Match:Tenya Iida vs Shoto Todoroki

Tenya's name is called and he has a confident face,while Todoroki has the usual one he has, Midnight then allowed the match to start,Tenya rush at Todoroki in the right side,Shoto instantly shot a large ice at him,Tenya then dodge this and move to the left side,and again Shoto shot his ice at him,Tenya then dodge this and then rush straight at Todoroki in the middle way,as he got closer,he throw a kick at Shoto

Tenya:"RECIPRO BURST!" He said as he delivered a powerful kick for Shoto, unfortunately Shoto dodge this "I still have ten seconds before my engines stalls" he thought,before delivering another kick at Shoto,this time it hit him,to which he smash by the ground hard,Tenya took this chance and grab Shoto by his shirt and drag him out in the arena "eight more seconds before my engines stalls,I can still do it!" He thought as he continued to drag Shoto out,as he got closer to the edge of the arena,his engines were blocked by Shoto's ice,this made Tenya stop,and look back at Shoto,and almost froze all of Tenya's body, immobilizing him

Midnight:"Iida is immobilized,Todoroki wins!!"

Everyone cheered for Shoto,he then started melting the ice from Tenya..

Fourth Match:Izuku Midoriya vs Mina Ashido

Again their names are called,Izuku gave a brave face,while Mina did some stretchings,and Present Mic then speak to start the match,Mina rush at Izuku with her slidey feet,while Izuku prepared his One For All 3% with his two fingers and shot it at Mina,sending a gust of wind,but Mina got away with this as she jump away and move to the side,and shot acid at Izuku while rushing at him, however Izuku predicted this and dodge it,and continue activating his One For All,when it got enough strength he rush at Mina his arm glowing,Mina rush at him and also prepared some acids,Mina shot acid at Izuku,to which he stop his One For All from occuring,and jerk his arm away,Mina took this chance and kick him hard,to which made him back away farther,and again Mina rush at Izuku,as Izuku still tries to keep his senses,as he was done,he waited for Mina to get closer enough,as she got closer she thought she could push Izuku out,but unfortunately Izuku did a backflip as he jump away from Mina and land behind her,he then use his One For All,with only two fingers,sending a gust of wind,which back Mina away,and is near from the line,Izuku rush at her again,this time Mina turn to face him,but just as she face him,he was now in front of her,and use 5% of One For All,with his fingers,which send Mina flying away at the arena and also past, luckily she land safely with her feet

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