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Tsuyu's pov:

The fight between Hiei and All For One ended a few days,I started preparing myself, usually I would visit him everyday.

Tsuyu:"note to self,day three of visiting Hiei"

And here I am,I ask the receptionist that seems to know me,since I visit a lot,she told me the room and I went there,after finding it,I open the door and....there he was laying on the hospital bed,a big bandage in his head,there was a scar in his right cheek that was slightly curved and gets thinner the more it gets closer to its end,his arms were wrapped in a bandage,I almost cried seeing my boyfriend in this state,so I slowly walk closer to him and sat in the chair beside his bed,as I began hoping he'll be alright

Hiei's pov:

In my coma I just spent time getting to know Hieishi, that'll what I call him

Hieishi:"you've got to wake up,maybe your girlfriend is sick worried about you"

Hiei:"OH MY GOSH I FORGOT ABOUT TSU!" I freaked out "can you help me?"

Hieishi:"of course" he reach out and flick my Jagan eye,which surprisingly didn't hurt,he must be connected to my Jagan eye,I slowly woke up in the hospital bed,and I feel something rubbing my hand,I look to my right and it was Tsu! Rubbing my hand while she's on her phone,but the thing is,she didn't have that normal face she has,I assumed she might be just worried,I slowly move my right hand and rub hers,she flinch a bit before looking at me,her eyes widen.

Tsuyu:"your awake" she nearly tackled me in the hug,I mean it's not my fault she feels like this,I gently hug back,as I pat her head

Hiei:"did you really miss me that much?"

Tsuyu:"of course! I thought you died,you were impaled right in the TV, ribbit"

Hiei:"sorry that I worried you too much"

Tsuyu:"it's alright,all that matters is that your okay" we both chuckled in unison,before inching our face slowly,and we kissed! YESSIR *SLAP* okay,okay,we shared a gentle,loving kiss,when all of the sudden the door open,and Tokoyami was there along with Yaoyoruzu and Todoroki,we quickly pulled away,as we still have the same positions while staring at them.

Tokoyami:"uh,did we interrupt something?"

Yaoyoruzu:"Tokoyami,you idiot! They were having a sweet time,yet you forced us to go inside"

Hiei:"it's alright guys,you can sit with us" I said as Tsu slowly pulled away, upsetting me a bit, Tokoyami was sitting in the left chair beside my bed,and Yaoyoruzu was beside Tokoyami,and Todoroki was beside Yaoyoruzu and all of us were silent until Todoroki broke it.

Todoroki:"so why did you guys do that?"

Hiei/Tsuyu:"uhm....I uh-" we both stuttered in unison,I nod at Tsu while she nods back "it's what you express to the person you like,more than a friend"

Todoroki:"hm,okay" he looks at Yaoyoruzu "Yaoyoruzu"

Yaoyoruzu:"hm? You need something?"

Todoroki:"Hiei said that they will kiss if they love each other,so Yaoyoruzu,I like you,so can we do that?" All of us jolted in surprise as Tokoyami inched slightly,and Yaoyoruzu went full red,as she covered her face,me and Tsu facepalmed

Hiei:"not like that,but just to tell you,she likes you back"

Tokoyami:"please don't make me single"

Yaoyoruzu:"I'm flattered Todoroki,I also you back" she stuttered,while Todoroki smiled for the first time I've ever seen,it was warm.

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