Internships and Hosu Incident

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At train station...

Hiei's pov:

All of us class 1-A are now in the station,and before that Aizawa sensie gave us some details and rules of our one week internship


Aizawa:"it's yes sir.."


Aizawa:"alright you guys will go, remember the rules..." After he said that,all of us separated for our station,I was suprise that my edgy buddy was going in the same direction as me

Hiei:"you going to Hawks agency too?"

Tokoyami:"yep,you too?"

Hiei"yes" after that we did some little chats while heading to our station

At the train..

Okay so me and Fumikage are still chatting a bit,and while doing so,my phone made a notification,so I check it,and see Tsu messaging me, Fumikage saw this and give me an assuring nod,so I open my phone

My secret crush

Tsu_likesfrogs:"Hiei what station you going to?"

Hiei_isokay154:"Fukuoka city,how about you?"

Tsu_likesfrogs:"I'm heading towards Silkie's agency"


Tsu_likesfrogs:"it's 'cool' not kewl😐"

Hiei_isokay:"I know:]"

Tsu_likesfrogs:"the heck happened to you"

Hiei_isokay:"I'm okay:)"

Tsu_likesfrogs:"I'm out,let's chat in our group chat tonight,bye Hiei"


Chat ended

Fumikage:"what happened"

Hiei:"just messing with Tsu"

Fumikage:"let me guess,she end the chat?"

Hiei:"you smart bird"

Fumikage:"no thanks,I prefer being called 'handsome bird' "

Hiei:"and I prefer being called Tsu-" I cut myself off

Fumikage:"what was that?" He ask as he raised his eyebrow as if he already knew what I mean

Hiei:"is nothing" I said nervously I then continued "also Tsu said we're gon' chat at our Group chat tonight,what you gon' say?"

Fumikage:"sounds good"

Hiei:"oh we arrived"

Fumikage:"let's go" then both of us went out the train and took a bit of walkings towards Hawks agency,after some time we finally arrived,and took some time looking at it before going inside,there were some people,and we ask where is Hawks office,one of them lead us to his office,and we both went inside,and as the both of us got inside,a bunch of red feathers went right at us,we jump away,and it still followed us,so I grab my sword and cut it as fast as I could, luckily I cut it,since I use flamethrower at my sword,as for Fumikage,Dark Shadow barely destroyed it,after it,we look forward and saw a guy with a black cloak,and immediately rush at Fumikage,so I speed up as fast as I could towards Fumikage,and tackled him in the side(not gay way),we both then go up and look at him,and took off their cloak,and revealed it was Hawks,we were mesmerized

Hiei:"it was you the whole time?!"


Fumikage:"so what are we doing today?"

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