Provisional licensing exam 2

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Hiei's pov:

The Ketsubutsu students started to throw their balls at us(touch grass if you think something else) and us Class A start to use our ultimate moves to avoid getting hit by the balls, knowing my speed I leap up high,spin around with great speed as I toss the balls one by one,some guy with sharp chin and a robotic full body suit was striked by my three balls one target was in his chest the other in his forearm and the other in his thighs,I manage to score three as his targets glow red,I smiled in delight,before landing in the girls' zone, consisting of Yaoyoruzu making three big shields with Tsu,Jiro,and Hagakure behind her.

Hiei:"Fancy seeing you here girls"

Tsuyu:"Oh hey Hiei,just need some covers from Yao-momo"

Hiei:"Did you hit someone with your balls?"

Tsuyu:"Not yet,how about you?"

Hiei:"Already toss three balls at one person and I sorta have one person left to pass"

Tsuyu:"Oh wow,your quick"

???:"Most are getting repellent,huh?" Blue bald guy said.

Shindo:"I guess we shouldn't be surprised that something like this won't take down U.A..."

Bald blue guy:"But well,I think I see now...I'm leaving it to you."

Long black haired guy:"I'll take it from here. But I might just end up finishing ahead of y'all. I hope you let it pass because it means you have less people to go up against. Target Lock-On... Boomerang: Crescent Moon Trajectory. The targets have been determined. Since their trajectories are hiding underground,you won't be able to react."

Midoriya:"Where in the world are they?!"

Jiro:"Get back! I'll take this! Sound Amplification... Amplifier Jack...Heartbeat Distortion!" Jiro press her Earphone jacks to the ground and created a shockwave that push the solid balls away from them,and it came flying towards Mineta.

Mineta:"Huh? They're coming from me!"

Ashido:"Maximum viscosity and solubility...Acid Veil!" She said her ultimate move and melted the balls.

Mineta:"Thanks! That's a great move."

Ashido:"It's a defensive move that puts up melty wall!"


Ms. Joke:"They've finished their ultimate moves,huh?"

Aizawa:"Of course."

Ms. Joke:"Hol' up,I just notice this,but,that one guy over there,in your class,resembles your hero costume,even he has a capturing tape,is he somewhat your son?"

Aizawa:(twitches his eye) "adopted.." he whispered

Ms. Joke:"I didn't know someone like you would adopt a kid"

Aizawa:"Because I see potential in him,and unlike the others,he's rational enough"

Ms. Joke:"There might be a chance that guy will be our son" She teased when her mouth was covered with Aizawa's capturing tape

Aizawa:"Shut up" however there was a really really really tiny blush in Aizawa's cheek,to which she didn't notice

Back to Class A...

Tokoyami:"Black Abyss! Piercing Twilight Claws!"  He said as Dark Shadow covered him and increase his claw and countered the balls,tossing them back,which almost hit the sharp teeth girl,who somewhat shrink to her torso.

Tokoyami:"Black Abyss! Piercing Twilight Claws!"  He said as Dark Shadow covered him and increase his claw and countered the balls,tossing them back,which almost hit the sharp teeth girl,who somewhat shrink to her torso

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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