Summer Camp training day 2

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Hiei's pov:

All of us wake up early and change to our gym uniform

All of us wake up early and change to our gym uniform

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(Sorry 'bout the head)

Everyone was still sleepy,some were about to pass out,with one of them being Kaminari,so I approach him and slap him in the back of his head,as his sleepiness disappeared,the slap could be heard by everyone as they turn to look at me,I glared at them.

Hiei:"We cannot waste this opportunity to reach to our limits and go plus ultra" everyone thought about it before one by one they slowly pump up

Kaminari:"your mean.."

Hiei:"learn how to not sleep a lot,our future would be more harder than we are for now,so try to get use to it"

Aizawa:"L/n is right,all of us are here to be plus ultra,so..... Bakugou" he said as he toss a ball towards Bakugou as he catch it "try throwing that ball like the first day" Bakugou nodded as he went to the circle and shouted 'DIE' again, Aizawa Sensie shows us the gadget and showed '705.6' we were slightly surprise to it being lesser.

Aizawa:"It's lesser then expected from you Bakugou,so that's why today we'll be reaching to our limits"

Later everyone was now working to their limits,Ida was running around to increase his strength and speed, Uraraka was inside in a ball as she held her nauseous ness,as she keep rolling around, Tokoyami was training Dark Shadow in a dark cave, Kaminari was letting all of his electricity to a battery or is it,Mineta was plucking his grape hair so he can pluck one even if it's bleeding,Aoyoma was shooting his laser non-stop even though he'll have stomachache,Jirou was extending her earphone jack as she increase the sound of her earphone jacks,Ashido secretes acid to increase her durability,or is it again? Midoriya was stretching a lot while fighting Tiger yea,a bigger uwu cat,Koji was increasing his voice,Shoji was creating different parts of his body while Hagakure keep hiding her presence towards Shoji,Sato was eating a lot of sweets while activating his quirk,Yaoyoruzu was also eating sweets as she created matryoshka dolls, Kirishima was using his hardening quirk while Ojiro hits him with his tail,Tsu was climbing in the mountain using her tongue,arms,and legs, Bakugou was soaking his hands with boiling water as to increase his sweat,he pull it out and let out a powerful explosion, Todoroki was creating an area of ice,then quickly replace it with fire,as he keep doing that,pretty tiring huh? Me on the other hand keep boosting my strength as I punch a massive monster made by Pixie bob,everytime I'm done boosting it,I keep doing it and punch another monster,the more I repeat this the more she makes the monsters bigger,I repeated this until my stamina was near to losing,this continued.

After our tiring training,all of us look like we're gonna die

Author's pov:

Pixie Bob:"Now, remember what I said yesterday 'Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you'!"

Ragdoll:"At least make your own food! Curry!"

Everyone:"Yes,ma'am..." Everyone said tiredly to which she laugh like it was a funny video

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