Sports Festival

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Two weeks later..

Hiei's pov:

It was now the sports festival,I did my usual routine again,and head to my station,with Tsu,and the both of us went to the train station,later Tokoyami arrived,and we started chatting with our usual ones

At the Sports Festival place

All of us are now in our class,and while we were in our class,a sea of students swarmed our class,I assume it was probably they heard the USJ event or something,when Bakugou turned pissed and act rude,which made the students think that the class 1-A are arrogant,when a boy with blue hair came out in the crowds and said something to us,to which I didn't hear since I was in the distance,so I stand up,and went to the door,and stare dead in the guys eyes

Hiei:"the hell you guys doing here"

???:"don't be arrogant and rude short guy, everyone heard the USJ event,and so they think you guys are strong"

Hiei:"I'm getting impatient,Tsu we're leaving here"

I said as I grab Tsu's hand and went to our changing room,and stop her in the girl's changing room

Hiei:"we better wear our gym uniforms,it will start later"


The both of us separated ways and I change to my gym uniform,while I was changing Tokoyami came in and soon later,all the boys came in and change to their gym uniforms,I am now done,and I heard that no equipments are allowed,so I didn't bring my sword,all of us girls and boys,went to a tunnel,and we could hear Present Mic calling out our class name,and all of us came out,some of my classmates were nervous in such an event to happen, some were brave,and all of us stop to our tracks,in near the ground, little by little some classes in the other place came out,later on Midnight came out with an R-rated suit,and a whip,that made all the boys blush,I was too,when I feel something warm and wet wrap around my eyes,only realizing it's Tsu,a tint of blush appeared in my face


Tsuyu:"you aren't watching that"

Hiei:"oh come on,I promise I'll not blush around her"


Tsu let's go of me,and stop my blushness towards Midnight,she started explaining,and called out Bakugou,since he'll announce something

Bakugou:"I just want to tell you,that I'll win the sports festival"

Almost all the people booed at him,and us class 1-A were embarrassed,and later on a hologram roulette wheel appeared and Midnight spin it,and landed on Obstacle race, Midnight then explained that you'll have to pass 3 types of places on this game,we were nervous as I watch green lights slowly disappearing,as the green lights emptied,all of us dash in a tunnel,which is too tight, luckily for me,I had telekinesis with my Jagan quirk,I move out any students in my way,and just then I feel the floor getting slippery,I look to the ground and saw that Todoroki froze the ground,some of us class 1-A escaped Todoroki's ice,like Yaoyoruzu,Mineta,Tokoyami,and me,I was a bit worried that Tsu might be trapped in the crowd


Aizawa:"i didn't teach them,they trained the whole week themselves"

The students who escaped Todoroki's ice were now running to the first place to pass,while we were running for our lives,I look at my back,and saw Mineta targeting Yaoyoruzu's back,I had no choice but to do this,I teleported behind Yaoyoruzu and kick Mineta which send him back,and a robot suddenly kick Mineta in the side,I then realize were in the first place to pass,i jump away behind Yaoyoruzu and saw a bunch of zero pointers,since I didn't have my sword,I was about to use my quirk when all the zero pointers froze,to which I took the chance by speeding up as fast as I could, thankfully I past the zero pointers,I look back and saw the ice letting the zero pointers go,and some students got crushed by the robots,I continued my way

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