Kamino incident

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Hiei's pov:

I woke up in an uncomfortable position as I adjust my eyes before studying at where the fuck I am,after some time I finally adjusted it,and I look around seeing the blue haired handy guy,the fog villain,the psychopath,a stain fanboy,a guy? With thick lips,and lastly a guy with purple burned marks,he looks emo.....

Handy guy:"oh! Your finally awake, we've been waiting for years" I tried using my quirk or using my hands,but to no avail I was tied up in a large metal,there was also something in my neck and actually made me uncomfortable,I tried moving myself at the same time using my quirk, suddenly as I was using it,I feel a sudden shock in myself as it weakened my body

Handy guy:"You won't escape,I put that thing in your neck incase you'll teleport away" I did not respond,as I just glared at him,I didn't have a choice but to say something

Hiei:"the fuck do you want?"

Handy guy:"watch your tone young man" he said as he touch a certain object with his pinky finger and it decayed and broke into pieces,which sends shivers down my spine "what I want is so simple,join us,the League of Villains! That way you'll become stronger than you expect,and also save your......sister from Overhaul" the last part made my blood boil,as if I'll join this wannabe villains.

Hiei:"as if I'll join the suicide squad"

Shigiraki:"Now,now,you have one way to stay alive and one way to never see the light" he said as he extend his hand near to my face

Hiei:"Okay,okay I'll join"


Hiei:"Glad I did,I'm really excited to whoop some ass today" I said as I did a spiteful smile

Shigiraki:"Dabi,free him"

Dabi:"Twice free him"

Twice:"ohh man,okay I'll do it" he said as he went behind me and keyed the chains,as I was free I slightly rub my hands due to being chained for too long

Hiei:"heh,I miss standing up"
Hiei:"NOW DIE BITCHES!" I shouted and let out a sea of fire which made them back away

Shigiraki:"YOU BRAT,YOU LIED!" Shouted handy guy as a portal appeared in my face, however I predicted it,and shot it with a barrage of fire,which made his hand jerked away "argh! You brat-"

???:"Knock knock pizza delivery" someone said out of nowhere,all the villains look at each other when suddenly All Might barge in the door along with other pros,Kuroguri was about to warp gate us when Kamui Woods immobilize him,when random portals appeared and a bunch of Nomus appeared,and a black liquid came out in my mouth and before I knew it,I was now teleported in a destroyed city along with the villains,what made me tense up is that Infront of us was All For One,the symbol of evil,told his 'kids' to go and leave him,and the villains manage to go to the portal,warp gate made, thankfully I was left out.

All For One:"hello young man,"

Hiei:"n-no w-way.."

All For One:"yes way,say how about you joined to the league of villains,this one you can do whatever you want, didn't the people said your quirk is villainous? Join us Hiei L/n,you'll be accepted for who you are" hearing this kind of made me want to join them,yes he does have a point,through out my life I had a bad childhood,but now,some people finally accepted me.

Hiei:"I-I.....will not join"

All For One:"if that's what you want then...." He prepared his hand and take a step closer,I take a step back "you wouldn't mind mind if I steal your quirk-" he was cut off by All Might Suddenly arriving and delivering a powerful punch,he manage to hold himself.

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