Ultimate Moves 2

42 1 4

Day 4

Hiei's pov:

It was now day 4,with only three moves,I decided to make another,which makes my right arm involved.

Ectoplasm:"Any moves you got?"

Hiei:(takes of his bandage from his arm)"Yeah,another one"(Hieishi came out behind me,along with a dark flamed dragon,I channeled them to my arm,as black flames start to emit from my arm,I ask Ectoplasm to make more Ectoplasm,he did, they all gathered,I push my arm forward,aim my arm at them before releasing the dragon large enough to swallow some Ectoplasms while the others melted)

Ectoplasm:"Impressive" he said as he made 39 Ectoplasms,which kind of made me surprised "try making more than one dragon and make sure to wipe them out" I obliged,before spacing out a bit,yeah I'm like that if I'm talking to Hieishi,and since he was a stronger version of me,he helped me channel some flames.

Hieishi:"alright,all you had to do is aim that, it'll release 7 dragons all at a time"

Hiei:"wait wouldn't that be only allowed if it's you?"

Hiei:"with the help of me and you,your allowed to"

Hiei:"okay thanks" after my spacing out session,I leap up high before releasing the dragons in my arm which not only melted the Ectoplasms,but ACTUALLY destroyed my whole area, luckily nobody got injured,I landed safely,as my arm are now destroyed

Timeskip bought to you by Tsuyu and Hiei stuck in the locker

In the afternoon it now time for Dad's training,to which I'm surprise Shinsou was also here,learning how to use his capture tape,but he is already good not gonna lie,me? I'm still learning.

Aizawa:"You both should get along, Shinsou teach him how to use the capture tape"

Shinsou:"yes,sir" with that Dad left with me and Shinsou left behind "wanna get started"

Hiei:"sure" and we start to train first were the basic which I already knew,we had break times and sometimes we interact.

Hiei:"Hey not to be rude,but why did Sir Aizawa made you his intern?"

Shinsou:"Actually its because he sees potential in me,what about you?"

Hiei:"Same boat here" we both laugh a little "So...are we friends?" He nodded with a smile "Nice,I'm sorry if I was a bit rude in the sports festival"

Shinsou:"Nah, don't worry 'bout it,I was getting to competitive and declared war all of a sudden,say your a quick learner"

Hiei:"Only with the basics" just then we saw Dad approaching us.

Aizawa:"I see you both are getting along,well, time's up,go to your dorms,oh,and Hiei,take this,your already one of my students"(hands you a capture tape)

Hiei:"for real sir?" I grab the capture tape

Aizawa:"yes,be lucky I have another,otherwise Shinsou will be my only student"

Hiei:"thank you so much sir"

Shinsou:"don't use it recklessly,unless you want 8 hours of lessons by him"

Hiei:(sweatdrops) "ok I won't"

Timeskip bought to you by Child Hiei helping Child Tsuyu

At night in my room I scribbled in my notebook and named my moves....

Ultimate Moves!!

Dragon of the darkness - Yami no doragon

Dragon Fist - Doragonken

Dark Sphere - Dākusufia

Dark Shadow style - Dākushadousutairu

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