Chapter 12

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(Photo is of the crew + Alex from last chapter)

~ Sophia's POV ~
"I love you." Continued to echo in my mind as I starred out the window. Did he truly mean it?

"Hey Sophia?" Alex said turning back to look at me knocking me out of my thoughts.


"Can you text up your friends and asked them where they're at?"

"Yeah. Sure." I pulled out my phone and brought of a text message and sent it to all of them.The first one to reply was Molly.

Molly: Hey, Danny and I just got back to your house. We went out for a movie & lunch and you were gone when we got back. Where are you?

Sophia: Okay. I went with Jeydon and met a few of his friends. I'll be stopping by to pick you guys up cause the whole crew is going on a vacation for a month. So get those bags packed.

Molly: Oh Yay!!!!! We'll swing by my house and stop at Nick's. I got a snapchat from him earlier today of him and Ashley. They were having a lazy day.

Sophia: Kk. See you soon!!


Just then I got a text from Nick and Ashley.


Nick: Ashley and I are at my house. What are you up to?

Sophia: I'm about to town. So pack your bags because we're taking a vacation!

Nick: Sounds good. Be ready in a bit.


Lilly: Hey Girl! I'm down at the park with Connor. The one with the wooden playset you and Noah should come down and hang out with us ;)


I thought a minute. The park a few streets from my house has a wooden playset.


Sophia: I got even better idea for us to do with every one involved. Get your bags ready the whole squad is going on a vacation for a bit. Meet up at Nick's house. ASAP


"I told them all the meet up at Nick's house. He lives a block from the football field." I told Griffen since he was the one driving.

"Gotcha. Should be there in 10 minutes."

"Okay I'll tell them to be ready in 8."


Sophia: (to all) Be ready at Nick's house in 8 minutes. We should be there in 10."


I received okays from them all by the time we got to town.

When we pulled into Nick's drive all six of them were sitting on the porch. They all came over to the truck as the three of us got out. Danny being Danny ran over to me and hugged me.

"How'd you get out of jail Jason? When I call my dad he'll really chew you a new one. But before he gets here I'm gonna give you a few swings myself." Danny said moving infront of me.

"Hey, hey, hey. Danny stop it. This isn't Jason. This is Alex now calm yourself." I said stepping between the two.

"You look a lot like Jason" Danny said narrowing his eyes at Alex.

"Yeah... I get that a lot."

"So who's the other guy?" Molly whispered.

"This everyone is Griffen." I replied.

"Now okay everyone load up into the truck. It'll be a tight squeeze but not if the girls sit on the boy's laps." Griffen said as the three of us walked back to the truck and got in. The others hesitated before getting in.


The ride was quiet for a while when we got out of town until Lilly spoke.

"So where are we going for our vacation?" She asked kinda excited. I knew this was the time to spill the beans.

"Well. Um... How do i put this.... Erm, well. Actually this is a trip to somewhere safe. Not really a vacation"

"Wait what do you mean 'somewhere safe'? " My older brother asked sounding a bit confused and mad.

"I can't tell you much but lets just leave it with if they get one of you then Jason and me are in danger." I said.

"Why cant you tell us much? Also why should we care about Jason he's a no good criminal." Danny asked in a stern voice. I seen Alex's hand form into a fist. I grabbed his fist before speaking.

"If I tell you to much then you're gonna be in as much danger as I am." I turning to look at Danny. "And for your information you don't know him as much as I do. He protected me from someone who wanted me gone."

"Why don't you just tell Dad that you're in danger then. He's part of the police station meaning he could help."

"Being with Dad isn't as safe as you think it is Danny. He has secrets too that are dangerous." Alex looked at me signaling not to go into detail.

"Oh yeah like what?"

"I can't tell you. It's to dangerous for you guys to know!"

"So basically you can't tell us sh*t and you've trick us into coming with you and two stangers to somewhere 'safe' until they find this gang and take them down?" Nick asked. They all kinda looked at me like I was crazy.

"Yes. But these guys are close friends with Christian, Noah and Jeydon." I said try to get them to notice they're not just some random stangers.

"Are you crazy Sophia? Jason brainwashed you! He's a criminal who will tell you anything to get you to turn against Dad!! Ever since you got back you've been acting different just because if him" Danny raised his voice. By this point I was kinda pissed off. Instead of going off and leaving them, we came back and brought them with us. But here they were calling me crazy.

"Danny I'm seriously! There are people out there wanting Jason DEAD!" I started yelling at him. "Which means I'M in danger too. If they cant get to me they'll get to one of you just to get to m-" I was cut off why something hitting the back gate. Next thing we know is the passenger side mirror is hit.


Du du duuuuuu!!!! (Or how ever you spell it xD )

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