Chapter 28

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~ Sophia's POV ~

The door shut and a few seconds later I hear a whisper, "You're clear."

"Thanks." I whispered back to Payley before slipping out into the hallway. I slowly shut the door and turned around running into something solid. Looking up I see a pissed off Jason. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me into our room, shutting... well more like slamming the door shut and locking it.

"What in the h**l were you doing in there?" He spat through his teeth.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. His glare seemed to turn to disappointment instead of anger.

"What's wrong Sophia?"

I looked at him confused. What is he talking about.

"You've been distant and acting weird ever since you seen me back at the Warehouse."

"Maybe it has to do with me not wanting to catch feelings for you again. Last time I seen you I nearly died." I lowered my voice to almost a whisper.

He took my hands in his, "Kannon and Wade would have never gotten ahold of you if you wouldn't have climbed out the bathroom window."

"Jason, the cops would have found us at one point. Its not like we could get a new name and move to a different country. Our photos were all over the news and media."

"We could have found a way. There's always a way." Jason's eyes almost seemed blurry but by the lack of light I couldn't quite tell.

Jason sighed before mumbling, "I can't hold it back anymore."

"Hold what back Jason?"

"Sophia, just think it over please."

"Okay, you lost me. What am i suppose to be thinking over?"

"Before you go after Griffen. Please, think it over. I'm begging you. You may see how he is around you.... But you have no clue what he's like when your back is turned. You dont have to listen to me on this but all the relationships I've seen him in, he's cheated. Some worse than others."

"Thanks for the inside scoop." I mumbled looking away. "Sooo... Am I being locked in here all night for punishment?"

Jason didn't say anything. Just dropped my hands to go unlock the door and opened it. He grabbed clothes off the dresser and without eye contact, walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind him.

I took it as a sign I could leave the room, so I did. As I walked toward Griffen's room I seen him and Beckett coming from the door to the original basement.

"OMG!!! Sophia where were you?!" Griffen yelled jogging over to me. I made eye contact with Beckett and I lightly smiled.

"I was talking with Jason after he found me coming out of Payley's room."

Griffen pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "How did he take it? Did he hit you?" He sternly asked.

I shook my head, "I'm fine. Hey I'm gonna go take a shower and go to bed. Im really tired." I said fake yawning.

"Yeah, sure." Griffen said giving me a hug before I walked into his bedroom.

I grabbed my PJs before heading for the shower. After I had finished in there I opened the door to find Griffen laying in bed. I left the room and headed for the kitchen to grab a drink. I started to think of what Jason had told me.

"You look like you're deep in thought there." Griffen said sitting down on a stool. He was shirtless just like he usually was. Normally I would find him overly hot... but now. I don't know how I feel. "Hey are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. Im fine. Just thinking." I said taking a sip of my water.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Home." I lied.

"Oh." Griffen looked like he was sorry in a way. "Im gonna go head back to bed." He said as he stood up and leaned over to kiss my forehead before walking out.

I thought back to what i was thinking about earlier.
Now is about the time were I need someone to talk to. Other than a guy.


"What should I do Payley? I've known Jason more but yet he's lied to me so many times & I don't know if he'd be faithful if I were to tell him I like him. But then Griffen, after being told he can be a cheat at times I've found myself stuck." I blabbed out putting my face in my hands.

"Just follow your heart and find out who truly cares."


After talking to Payley I decided now was the time to act. If I wanted to see who truly cares I'd have to find a way to get them both to react to something. I knew one way, and one way only. Beckett had to help me on this though.

I made my way to Beck's room to find him still awake laying & watching TV.

"Hey Soph! What's up?"

"I need your help."

"What do you need?" He asked sitting up a little.

"Well... It something that kinda has to do with both Jason and Griffen..."


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Published: January 23, 2016

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