Chapter 19

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The memories of Jason began to run through my head. All of them from when I found out about him to this moment.

The face, the voice, the way he walked, the way he looked, his style, the tattoos. Everything was the same. Only thing that was different was the new tattoos and his hair color.

Alex is Jason!!!

I pulled away from the kiss, "Jason?"

"There's my baby girl." He whispered kissing my forehead.

"Wait... Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well now your friends can't say you lied to them. Also I had a feeling you'd run away from me again if I told you when I showed up to the warehouse."

"Why has everyone been calling you Alex?"

"Well I called up the guys before I showed up to the warehouse and told them my plan. They agreed to go with the i-" Jason was cut off by the noise of the bedroom door creeking open.

Jason quickly covered my mouth and moved infront of me so the door we came through was behind him. I heard the sliding door slide opened then closed a few seconds later after they fiddled with the hanging clothes.

"Hello McCann. Hello Miss Tatum." Someone whispered.

"Beckett?" Jason asked. Thats when we heard laughing on the other side of the wall. Jason opened the door in the wall then the closet one leaving me behind. When I got out I seen Jason on top of a laughing Beckette.

"Guess who's back in business?!" Beck said right before Jason started hitting and punching him.

"Woah woah woah. Jason stop it! Get off of him!" I yelled at him. He didn't listen and continued to hit Beck. I walked over to Jason and tried grabbing ahold of one of his fists but ended up getting his hit in the nose by Jason's elbow. He must have noticed he hit something because he look back at me. I glared at him and walked out of the room into the living room.

"Sophia I'm sorry I didnt mean to hurt you." Jason said as he walked out of the bedroom. He followed out behind me saying he was sorry and stuff.

"Jason why didn't you tell me it was you? Why did you say you were Alex?" I asked angrily as I turned around to face him. He stopped in his tracks a few feet away.

"I heard about your mind blocking out your memory around when I got out so I took that as a good time to come get you. Cause if I would have tried kidnapping you then the cops would know I'm still after you." He said starting to walk closer as he talked.

"You could have told me sooner though. Like when we were in the truck with Griffen after we dropped off my friends. Instead of when we thought we were gonna die." I said as tears from all the frustration started to roll down my cheek. "Come on Beckette. You have a few cuts the need to be taken care of." I walked over to him and grabbed his wrist dragging him to the bathroom.

I had him sit on the edge of the shower as I grabbed cotton ball, tissues and peroxide.

"So hows your summer been?" Beckette asked me.

"Good. Really good." I lied. "When did you get here?"

"Well I've been here the whole time. I just felt like giving you guys a practice emergency." He said winking.

I smiled a bit as I put water on the cotton balls then began to wipe off the now dried blood. After that I dripped peroxide onto the cuts and caught it all with the tissues. After I finished him up I started to clean the blood out from under my nose.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Jason asked. Beckette took that as a sign and slipped out of the room.

"I guess."

He closed the door and spun me around so I was facing him. He took the cotton ball from me and started cleaning off the rest of the blood. After he was done he tossed it in the trash as he stilled pined me in the same spot.

"Sophia I really am sorry. I didn't noticed you were that close and I should have stopped when you told me to anyway. It's all my fault. And I'm sorry." He said looking into my eyes.

I didnt speak I just look up at him. My eyes wondered to the new tattoos on his neck. In a few spots they looked like they were missing spots.

"They're fake. My neck tattoos. I put them on just so I looked a bit different so if someone seen me they'd notice the difference."

I brought my hand up to them and rubbed my finger acrossed one. It started to flake off. Thats when I brought my attention back up to his eyes again.

"Why are you here again?"

"I still need to protect you.." He said moving as close as he could. "And I missed you." He whispered as he crashed his lips onto mine.


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Published: August 22, 2015

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