Chapter 35

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~ Sophia's POV ~

"Ryder... We're being followed!"

R looked in the rearview mirror to see the head lights tailing behind us. Pushing the peddle to the floor we raced down the gravel road taking random turns to throw off the vehicle following us. At some point we ended up on a dirt road which had been turned to mud from the previous rainfall. Mud began to fly everywhere as our back end slightly fished tailed. Thankfully Ryder was handling the truck well.

When we got off the muddy dirt road we took the turn that would most likely take us to the closest paved road.

"Hey Soph try to see if you can tell what color and type of vehcile it is." I turned back looking behind us trying to tell but it was too dark and their headlights were too bright.

"I can't tell."

"Okay... Hold on."

Next thing I know we drive straight into a field and drift to where we're facing the vehicle coming towards us. At the last second R floors the gas and heads to the right but the back tires spun for a while until they caught traction. I looked over to see a navy colored vehicle.

"It's a navy Silverado." I said turning back around and noticed a highway not far up the road.

After driving and turning onto different roads we finally lost them. Midnight rolled around and we were back on the interstate but as it slowly turned 2am we desided itd be best to go get super because we were getting low on gas and me & R personally were running low on energy.

We pulled into a small town and hit up the first Micky D's we seen. R drove us to a park and we sat on the swings sipping our sweet teas after we had finished eating.

"Do you know of anyone who has a blue Silverado like that?" I asked Ryder as I dropped my feet to where they began to drag in the tar mulch.

"I'm not sure. Ive never seen anyone drive that kind of truck that I know of. Or that nice." He said taking a sip.

"Maybe someone stole it. Maybe they did that so we wouldn't recognize them."

"Who knows. Lets just hope they're gone." R said jumping off his swing and walking over to the trash to throw away the box to the chicken nuggets he ordered. "You ready to keep heading? We're about maybe 2 hours away from my place."

I nodded my head in response and threw my trash away as I headed towards the truck.

As we pulled out of the parking lot I looked out my window to see a vehicle turn on its lights as it flooded full speed directly towards us.

"RYDER WATCH OUT!!!!!" I screamed... But it was too late.

The vehicle hit ours.

The last thing I remembered was the sound of glass shattering and metal bending. I remember feeling the truck roll multiple times. Then everything went black.

That's when I seen it....

I seen my life flash before my eyes.

My fifth birthday when I got my first vehicle. The little batterised red Mustang I got. I hated going camping without it.

I remember my dad telling me how  excited I was when I ripped off the wrapping paper.

"OMG Daddy!!! I got my first car!!!" I stared at the photo of the Mustang on the box for what felt like forever. I was so mesmerized by it.

Camping was actually how I met my childhood best friend, Lexi. She moved away back when we were in 7th grade. All the little memories of me and Lexi's sleepovers and the little adventures we had all flipped through like a slide show. The junk food we'd eat, the video games, the movies, the inside jokes... Every good memory slowly flashed by.

Thats when the past few year started to roll through. The fear of never seeing Ryder again. Watching his missing photos that were all over town being taken down the more the months added on. The creepy gifts Id get on the anniversary of Ryder's disappearance.

Then I got kidnapped. I witnessed a lot of close to death accidents. All the guns and knife held to my skin. The shots that'd been fired. All the blood that got shed and all the deaths or missing reports on the news....

Then all the good memories came to mind. The kisses with Jason and the few with Beck. The nights I spent the nights with Jason. All the brother and sister moments with Beckett.

I seen the memories from our car rides. Me and Griffen's dance battle. The day I found out who Alex truely was. Who my Father truely was deep down...

Then all the old memories I had with Ryder. All of them that led up to this moment.

Thats when I realized I was in the truck... Well was. My eyes wouldnt open but I could hear people in the distance along with sirens and the cold night wind that was blowing on my bare skin.

After a while longer my eyes finally opened to see the red and blue lights but they were far from where I was. I could slightly look around but it was dark and things were kinda blurry still.

That's when it hit me...

Where's Ryder?!?!?

I tried yelling his name but all that came out was air. Thats when I started feeling around.

Am I laying in a field? Where's Ryder?!?!?

I tried yelling his name but once again, it was just air. Thats when I started feeling light headed.

Last thing I saw before I blacked out was dark figures move around the vehicle with the flashing lights.

Published: December 23, 2016

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