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~Bonesburrow Library - 5 years ago~

Your POV:

"The library Steve?" You frown.

"Look, if mom knows I have a date she would kill me, so I needed to bring you as an excuse that im going on an outing with you. Just stay here, I'll be back in like... an hour 30 minutes." Steve says.

"Good luck. Don't scare her off." You smirk.

Steve salutes to you and you sigh and walk over towards the books. What are you gonna do for an hour 30 minutes? Or more, who knows when Steve will be back?

Hm... what seems the most appealing? Ooh! Romance! You grin and walk over to the romance isle.

You look at some books and stand on your tip toes to get a better look at the ones on the higher shelves. Hmmmm which sounds more appealing...?

Sexy elf
Sexy vampire
Sexy werewolf
Sexy mermaid

"Hmmm..." you grin and reach to grab the sexy   Werewolf book.

Before you grab it though someone rudely shoves you out of their way, you fall flat on your back against the ground, you hit your head on the ground.

"Ow..!" You Yelp.

"Sorry!" A boy says running past you.

You glare at him and pick yourself up. He is not getting away with that. You run after him angrily. He turns the corner and then immediately bursts through the doors of the forbidden stacks. You abruptly stop. Do you dare go after him?


You quickly look around to see if anyone's watching you and you sneak in there yourself. The boys running down the steps and looks around and turns left to where some more of the books are.

You glare at him, he hasn't noticed you yet and you creep down and follow him.

He's stopped running and he's walking more slowly and cautiously now. A little red cardinal flutters out from his pocket and perches on his shoulder.

He has a palisman?!

He turns into a book aisle and you slowly follow him from behind and decide to gently and slowly creep up onto him.

You peek your head over the edge of the bookshelf and he's looking around at the books carefully looking at something. His palisman still perched on his shoulder.

"It's so dark down here.." he grumbles to himself and squints his eyes to try and see the books better.

The bird chirps.

You charge up from behind him and knock him to the ground he yelps loudly and he turns over to look at you. His palisman flies off of his shoulder and hovers above him watching things unfold.

"HEY!" He yells.

"You think you can just shove me out of your way like I'm an object?!" You yell at him.

"Lemme go! I'm doing something important!" He yells, trying to get you off of him.

"Say your sorry!" You say.

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