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~ potions shop ~

5 years ago you knew a sweet 14 year old boy named Hunter. You both were eachothers light in life.

Until one day. Hunter ran away and he never came back. It was devastating.

Despite only knowing him for 6 months time you've never met someone so kind and so caring. You didn't think it would be possible to feel so strongly about someone even though it was just for 6 whole months.

5 years you've dealt without him.

On year one you spent so much time at the library hoping he'd show up.

On year two, waiting at the library wasn't enough, you applied for a job.

On year three you thought you saw him, but it was someone else.

Year four didn't even feel like you were looking for him anymore, it just felt like working at a library.

Year five, you quit your job at the library and finally decided to give up, you worked as a nurse assistant at Hexside.

And now as of recently you work as a healer in the emperors coven.

5 years sitting and wondering what happened to him.

And now he's right infront of you.

You let Flapjack go and he chirps and flies over to Hunter and perches atop his shoulder.

"Finally..." He angrily glares at you.

"That wasn't so damn hard now was it?" He sighs and takes the other half of his mask off.

You see a big piercing scar across his cheek. You back away even more.

"Hunter.." You back away.

Hunter wipes the blood off of his nose and he breathes shakily and looks at you.

"I didn't want you to meet me again like this, it was going to be better." He glares.

You take some steps away from him.

"Did you miss me?" He smirks.

You back away even more and as you back away he keeps taking steps towards you.

"Afraid?" He asks.

You breathe shakily and you don't know why but you feel like you're about to cry. He notices this and raises an eyebrow.

"Oh come on, it's just me...! your good friend Hunter..! you have no reason to be afraid...!" He smirks and folds his arms.

"I'm sure you remember me hm? Of course you do

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"I'm sure you remember me hm? Of course you do... you don't work at a library for a whole 3 years without some personal motive." He tilts his head and approaches you even more.

"You... you.." you tremble.

"I... I... what? I what?" He smirks.

You see your reflection in his eyes and he just had a big stupid smile on his face you want so badly to slap off of him.

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