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~Bonesburrow town center - 5 years ago ~

Hunter POV:

"Wow!!! I haven't been outside in months!!!" Tom grins and extends his arms out.

I glance at him. He's smiling brightly.

 He's smiling brightly

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"Oh it's so nice out..! I missed this..!" Tom smiles.

I smile a little at his excitement, but then I frown a little and glance over at him again.

"Remember... we're on a low profile..." I say.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just so excited." Tom blushes and looks down.

I sigh and pull out another crumpled piece of paper in my pocket. It's a map of our destination, I ripped out of a library book.

"...so... it's way up north... and the docks are north... I have the snails I took from Kiki's paycheck..." I say.

"What about food? Wait wait...! Could we go to a food stall before we go? I haven't gone to one in so long..." Tom grins.

"Um... for food, we only have so much money to buy the small ship for the two of us... so..." I mumble.

"So we fish." Tom says.


"We fish for fishes!" Tom grins.

"W-we need fishing rods... I... um.." I go into my pocket.

I pull out a messy sandwich in a zip lock bag.

"I was gonna just... have us each take one bite of this a day until we reach the island.." I say.

"Oh dude, that's so little." Tom says.

"Yeah I know but it's all we can afford Tom.. we need to put our money aside to get clothes for us to have and our main worry is buying the ship." I say.

"How many snails did you steal from Kiki?"


Tom snorts and holds in his laugh.

"We will have enough to buy at least 2 fishing rods for the both of us." Tom pats my shoulder.

I nod and look down.

We keep walking until suddenly.

"HUNTER!!" I hear a voice.

I freeze. Tom looks at me confused.

I don't know where it's coming from until...

I don't know where it's coming from until

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