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~Bonesburrow Library - 5 years ago ~

"What's wrong?" You ask Hunter.

He's been looking at this book about landscapes for a while and reading and going through them. He's sort of been loosing himself in that book.

He doesn't answer you. He's just spacing out silently as he reads this book. He has a numb sort of expression on his face and it's beginning to worry you.

"...Hunter..?" You tilt your head.

No answer.

"Hunter!!" You exclaim.

His head shoots up and he looks at you. He sweats a little and rubs the back of his head, he closes the book.

"Hey. You're spacing out a lot." You say.

"..I'm sorry.." He says.

"It's okay, what do you wanna do today?" You ask.

He looks around and seems really silent. He has his lips slightly parted and he's thinking silently. His thinking turns into a little remorse frown.

"Um..." he mumbles.

He stands up and stands in front of you and holds his hand out. You take it.

"We could walk around." He says and holds your hand in his.

You stand up and grip his hand tightly and nod.

"Sounds perfect." You grin.

He smiles subtly but then goes back to a frown. He holds your hand tighter and you both leave the library.

His eyes widen and he lets go of your hand for a moment and stops walking.

"What?" You ask.

"Can you wait outside I just need to go something." He says.

"Okay." You nod.

You head outside as Hunter walks back over to the book he was looking at earlier.

He comes back outside shoving some crumpled paper in his pocket.

"Sorry." He says and pulls his hand out of his pocket and entwines it in yours.

He's really quiet today. You don't know if that's a bad thing or not. As you're walking you notice he's looking down at the two of you holding hands and his face is slightly pink.

He looks really solemn, but even so his face remains a pink color.

"We could go to the forest, it's nice, and there's these cool flowers there." You say.

Hunter nods.

"What are you thinking about?" You ask.

His lips slightly part and he glances at you, and then back down at the ground.

"I...don't know.." He mumbles.

"Of course you know. You're obviously in your thoughts." You say.

His thumb brushes against your palm and your cheeks turn a tinge pink.

"...I really like the way your hand feels." He says gently, with a subtle hint of sorrow.

Your eyes widen and your fingers twitch.

He looks at you with a gentle gaze.

"Why are you saying that?" You ask.

"I just am. It's.. comfortable." He whispers.

You keep walking hand in hand and eventually you make it to the front of the forest. His cheeks glow pink and his grip on your hand is sincere.

"How's your family..?" He asks.

Ⓗealing Ⓖolden Ⓢcars (Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now