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~2 years ago~

Hunter POV:

...missions upon missions... upon missions... I can barely even sleep anymore. Typically I get 4 hours... sometimes 3... if I'm lucky I get 5.

My favorite time of the day is when I sleep. I feel like I can shut my brain off and ignore everything and everyone.

Dreams are my escape from reality, and I feel happiest when I'm asleep...

Because when I'm asleep I dream of her.

I haven't visited her at the library for some months... but luckily I have some space in my schedule...I don't want to feel like a creep watching her, I just worry about her. From what I can tell she's overworking herself and she thinks her brother is either dead or imprisoned... I can only imagine the stress she's going through.

I don't even know if she has any friends she can turn to. I remember back at grom she was talking with these other girls, but I'm not sure, and from what I remember her mother was never really home as much.

I remember from our time together she was saying she didn't really like her step father either. I'm not sure about her younger brother though. I hope she's all right.

The last I went to the library was about 3 months or so ago. I checked out a book for wild magic, I had actually wanted to drop by the library to look at that since I couldn't find any copies for it anywhere else.. and I figured that while I was there I could see how she was doing.

She checked out my book, and she told me to have a nice day. That was all she had said to me.


Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I were to just take off my mask right infront of her, what would happen then?

That thought always crosses my mind whenever I see her. What if I were to just show her who I am.

What would happen?


She'd probably hate me. No, not probably, she would definitely hate me.

I sigh, I'm already at the front of the library, I need to return that book anyway, it's past the date I was supposed to return it so I'll have to pay a fee.

Damn it, well I stole some snails from Kiki's paycheck, all is well.

I walk up to the doors and open them. It actually looks like there's quite a few more people in the library today than usual.


I glance around trying to see if she's in today.


My heart rate picks up and my grip on the book tightens. I see her come out of the back office and up to the front desk to help some customers.

Shit I need to return my book to her, fuck.

I nervously approach the line and I get some people staring at me. Because... well you know.

I hate being golden guard sometimes, I get so much unnecessary stares.

I see Y/n glance at me from behind her current cutomer she's checking out. Shit. How do I tell her I'm returning this, I need to like deepen my voice or something.


The customer up front leaves and I'm next and I go up to her. She stares at me.

"Oh, you again, who knew the golden guard liked reading." She shrugs.

I start sweating and I nervously slide my book over to her. She tilts her head and looks at it.

"Oh, this is the one you checked out... like... what 4 months or so ago?" She raised an eyebrow.

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