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(This chapter will be focusing on Hunter)

Goldie POV:

Some days passed.

I have not looked at the hardened magma yet. I've been too busy trying to think of possibilities as to where Flapjack has ran off to.

...I'm starting to think he really just hated being here like Steve said, so he ran off.

I guess that makes sense. He doesn't have much freedom. He was only allowed in my room and in the vents to walk around, keep updates on things for me.

I thought he enjoyed doing that. Every day we would meet at our spot, he'd fly down, perch on my hand, and we'd exchange what we both did that day.

I thought we had nice conversations. I thought he liked talking to me. I don't understand why he left.

...Was he not honest with me?

...am I not good enough?

Maybe Im not the right witch he's looking for. To be fair, I'm nothing even close to a witch. Im a ball of junk.

I get why he would run away.

As of now, it is currently 3 pm. I had some missions this morning, and I had to file in some more brainless followers.

Me and Steve were quiet for most of our work together. He's working on his own things. We both have the feeling this plan may not work, so we've been thinking of other ideas.

He's most likely going to feel sick, or the more he drinks these potions he may slowly die.

I finally open the door to the study.

"The shipments in." Steve says as I walk into the study.

"Okay? Did you escort it here?" I ask.

He gestures to the boxes. I glance at them and go over to the boxes. It seems he already opened them to take a look.

I peel the ends of the boxes open and insides a bunch of bottles with these potions in them. They're said to be used as a reinforcement to help keep his curse at bay and he uses them sometimes.

He prefers his palisman though.

"And are they all mixed yet?" I ask.

"That's what we're doing genius. I was waiting for you to get here so we could work on them." He says.

"You could have gotten a head start." I scoff.

"I don't want to be doing all the work here." He rolls his eyes.

"You still could have gotten a head start, that doesn't mean I wasn't gonna come eventually and help." I scoff and pick up the first box of potions and rest it on the table.

"I've been researching alternatives." He says.

"You really think this won't work?" I glare at him and start putting potions on the table.

"Better to plan ahead than be sorry. We've had 5 failed attempts." Steve turns to look at me and grabs the potions I slide over to him.

"This is our 6th attempt, and the potion isn't even precise, so it's most likely gonna be another failed attempt." Steve glares at me.

He grabs the pot where he brewed the potion and places it on the table and takes the top off.

He has two ladles and the plan here is to just pour bits of the potion earlier made into all the potions. I sit down with him, he hands me a ladle and we both start popping the corks off of potions and star pouring bits of the other potion into the smaller ones.

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