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You could not sleep at all last night you were so eager to see Steve again and formally talk about things.

You even got up earlier than you should have, you're already running through the halls of the emperors coven to see Steve again. Hopefully he's calmed down enough you can actually talk to him.

You were wearing that cloak Hunter had gave you before you left that day. He told you to wear it if you were to go back to the hidden cell.

You glance around.

The conformatorium doors are in front of you and you grip the door handle and pull it open. As you do so you make sure the hood of the cloak is nice and secure over your face.

You make your way to the hidden cell until finally you get to that same hallway you remember be showed you.

...which stone segment was it...

You tap your hands on all the stone segments to try and find the right one. Then your hand slips into the correct one and the wall begins to open.

You grin and head down the little hallway until finally you knock on the door.



You hear footsteps approaching and they stop heavily infront of the door. It doesn't open yet.

"It's 6am... seriously?" Steve says in the other side.

"Steve it's me." You say.

Steve goes quiet and immediately opens the door.

He stands before you all groggy, his eyes meet yours and he's still wearing pajamas. You smile awkwardly.

"..come in." He gestures you.

You enter his cell and come into the room with him. He clicks a lamp on and sits in the edge of his bed and rubs his eyes.

You look around the cell and study everything.

In the bottom right corner just under his bed he has a desk pressed horizontally against the wall. Just above that is his bed faced vertically towards you on the top right, just above his desk.

His nightstand is next to his bed and he has a heater next to it to probably stay warm in the night.

There's a rug next to his bed. He has a little wardrobe on the left of the room and a cork board next to it with some to do list things. He has another cork board over his desk with more plans and ideas.

There's a bookshelf on the left of the room horizontally against the wall with another rug near it. It has a little bean bag near it with some books scattered on his rug.

...This is Hunters brothers cell? Steve really transformed it to be his.

"I'm surprised you were able to make an old cell so roomy." You say.

"...Hunter helped me get the things to set it up to build it to look more like a room..? Instead of... whatever it was last." Steve says.

You frown and look at him.

"He helped with all this?" You ask.

He nods.

You glare at Steve. Steve looks at you.

"Why the hell are you being so rude to him then? He put down his own time and money to help you with this..!" You glare at him.

"It was Kiki's money, but... yeah you're right." Steve frowns.

"He didn't deserve to be punched yesterday." You glare at Steve.

"I.. was upset. I don't know how long he was keeping you from me, my own sister. Why didn't he bring you to me right away?" Steve scoffs.

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