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"Okay, so the pattern goes like this." Steve says and draws a circle in the ground in chalk.

You and Hunter watch. You haven't let go of his hand yet, and Steve doesn't seem to be noticing which is good. Hunter doesn't let go of his either. You're both sitting on the edge of Steve's bed watching him draw it.

"Okay then some symbols inside... lemme just look at the reference." He mumbles.

"Hopefully this actually works." Hunter says.

"I have a good feeling about this one." Steve says.

Hunter nods and fiddles with one of your fingers for a moment. You glance at him and he glances at you and then decides to look away.

Hunter glances at you and squeezes your hand some more. You squeeze it back, then making him look away embarrassedly. You glance over at Steve who's still drawing it out.

Hunter intertwines his fingers with yours and twirls your pinky finger around, just fidgeting with it. You turn a little pink and look away.

"Okay... I think this is right... actually no, it needs more lines here." Steve mutters and draws some more lines in the circle.

As he continues doing that Hunter blinks and moves to fidget with your ring finger now. You just try and pretend he's not even doing anything, and pay attention to Steve drawing. You can see Hunter subtly eyeing you in the corner of your eye, and you turn your head away from him a little.

His fingers trace over your knuckles and move in gentle little circles around them. You turn a little more red and turn your head away from him. He blinks and turns pink himself and just keeps doing it.

Fidgeting with your hand feels nice to him. And he likes that you're okay with it. When you two were younger you'd hold his hand sometimes and he'd fidget with them it and you never really seemed to mind.

He likes it.

You sigh and he blinks again. He rubs his thumb against the front of your palm and fingers. You glance at him and he still has his eyes on you. It seems he just likes looking at your response everytime he fidgets with another part of your hand.

He slides his palm and fingers fully around yours and squeezes your hand extra tightly and you cover your mouth awkwardly with your other hand.

He slides his palm and fingers fully around yours and squeezes your hand extra tightly and you cover your mouth awkwardly with your other hand

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His eyes flick over to yours and he traces the edges of your hand with his thumb. Your eyes meet his and then you pull them away from his again. He presses his thumb against your palm and rubs it over your knuckles.

And then he squeezes your hand again.

You glance at him. His eyes are on you.

He fidgets with your finger again and he blinks a little bit more. His eyes droop a little and he covers his mouth with his other hand and rests his cheek against the same hand.

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