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Your POV:

Some days passed and your first shift has begun. You had already received your sigil yesterday, it was an uneasy yet simple process. It felt so surreal to finally have a sigil.

Viney showed you how to get in. River was already inside.

He pushed up his glasses as soon as he saw you and Viney head in.

"Hey guys." He smiles.

You both nod. It's early in the morning. 8 am.

"What time did you get here?" You ask.

"I get here an hour earlier than you guys. 7 am." He says.

"Anyway... the mornings are fine. We usually don't get as much people into noon or the afternoon, cause everyone starts their missions in the morning." River says.

"So.... I'll have you worry about restocking for now, show you what usually needs to be restocked, if you'll follow me." River smiles and heads to the back.

"Viney you can just chill and reevaluate patient files." River smiles.

"Gotcha." She nods.

You follow River from behind and he leads you to the storage room. He clicks the lights on and looks over at you and smiles.

"Everything you need is in here. We've been using healing glyphs for extreme wounds. Like stab wounds or broken bones." He says

"So we will be using these in the meantime." He says.

"However, I got a recent status about these from Belos, and he doesn't want us using glyphs too much anymore. There's these artificial electronic patches he wants us using instead." River says.

"But those don't come in until next week." He smiles.

You nod.

"For more simpler wounds is when you'll actually have to use healing magic, These can be like cuts or slices." He explains.

"When it comes to severe wounds though, make sure to use healing magic on it first before you apply healing patches those are the finishing touches. Always bandage them and then slap a healing glyph on them. I should have stated that, heh." He smiles.

"Um... today. I'll just have you treat simpler wounds like cuts and slices." He nods.

"You're familiar with those I'm sure right?" He asks.

"Yep, I was an assistant school nurse back at Hexside ." You smile.

"This should be a walk in the park for you then." River smiles.

"How long have you worked here?" You ask.

"2 years. My father passed the job down onto me, I managed to get out of my senior year back in Glandus and work here, since my grades were looking fine." River smiles.

"That sounds nice." You say.

"Yeah... it's been nice, doesn't seem all too stressful here unless we got a life threatening patient, that's when we need all hands on deck." He says.

"Has that ever happened before?" You ask.

"The last life threatening one we got was a palace guard, he was attacked by a wild witch and shoved off the castle window 3 stories high. He fell on a sharper rock and nearly got himself impaled." River says.

"Titan..." you say.

"That was about... 6 months ago, it's not as common we get things as serious like that, it's usually just broken bones, stabs, or slices." He says.

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