𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1

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It's a simple distinction, really, the social class system. The rich vs. the poor. The privileged vs the deprived. All of it, balck and white, really. I mean, you either made it in life or were trying to make ends meet. And yet here I am, trying to figure out which exactly I fall under.

"Your drink, Miss Diaz," said the bartender. "Thank you." I took a sip of the pink bubbly grapefruit beverage. "You here alone?" He asked, striking up conversation as he wiped the marble countertop of the bar. Well, at least it is not made out of diamond. Honestly, with these people , you never truly know what to expect.

"Actually, I am here on work. And speaking of work, would you excuse me," I replied, leaving the empty glass with grapefruit on the table.

Time to work my magic. "Miss Diaz. What a pleasure it is to see you," said Mr Perez as he indulged me in a half-heartedly hug. "Mr Perez. I'm glad you could make it. Mr Vasilios should be with you in a second, but while we wait, can I put you up to a friendly conversation over a drink," I suggested as I gestured towards the bar. "Well, I would be stupid enough to turn down a drink with such a gorgeous lady. It would be my absolute pleasure."

He followed behind me as I walked over to the bar. A loud voice spoke over the intercoms to indicate that the race was about to begin in a few minutes. "So will Mr Vasilios meet us during the race?" he asked as he nodded to bartender. "Something like that. But he did book the VIP seats right above. Oh and that should be one of the waitresses to lead us there," I replied as a lady who looked well around mid twenties, about my age, dressed in a black pantsuit with a skirt instead of pants, making her way to us.

"Ma'am, sir. If you would follow me," she gestured for us to follow her. "After you," I said as I brushed over my outfit.

A slit sleeve satin jumpsuit with a floral pattern. My hair in a half- down style of French braids in the front , paired with simple hoop earrings. I swear by my attire , most of these people would have probably mistaked me for one of the wives of the elite class here, well atleast until they heard who I was here with.

As we reached the VIP section, overlooking the race track, we found a few of the elite already in their seats, in enticipation on who was going to win. I mean, money was on the line for most of them, after all. Mr Perez and I were seated in the front centre cushioned seats as the waitress who attended to us earlier came back to offer us some refreshments. "A glass of cranberry juice will do. Thank you," I asked. Mr Perez, on the other hand, along with many in the room, settled for soem alcohol beverages in hopes to calm the nerves.

"So seeing as Mr Vasilios is not here, could we perhaps talk about what you are looking for in this business deal?"
"Well, I would not want to strain that pretty little head of yours, but since you are asking. A 35% stake in investments for the new hotels he is hoping to build in Egypt. And since I am a native of the country, I figured he might see that I am one of his best bets into the country. Quite simple and smart, is it not, sweetheart?" he whispered in my ear as his finger lightly traced my my skin through my slit sleeve. "Quite simple, sure. As for smart, I would find that rather debatable. I mean, how sure are you that he needs you enough to give you 35% ? I think you would have better luck building your own hotels. Why don't you? I'm very curious. I mean, would you have more profits if you pursued your own route?" I inquired as I focused my attention towards the voice announcements on the intercom.

5 minutes until engines warm up.

"Well, perhaps. But chances are doing business with the Vasilios would bring me more opportunities and wealth. Don't you think?" He continued as he focused his attention ahead, taking another sip of his drink. "Well, I have a proposal for you, a bet of sorts. If a car that I bet on wins the race, will you consider taking the deal at 13% along with offering up your contacts in Egypt?" I instigated him.

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