𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 11

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So I woke up. In his office. On his couch. Covered by his jacket. How did that happen? I had no idea. I had been trying to figure it out since I woke up from his phone call.

"Earth to Soph?" I hand snapped in front of me. "Sorry. I am just a little-"
"Tired. Yeah, I know. You know Nico called and wanted to make sure you got home. Is there something you want to tell me?" She asked as she looked at me suspiciously, squinting her eyes.

"Oh Chloé I am so sorry. I have wanted to tell you for the longest time, but now I just can't hide it. I'm afraid I'm in love with your brother," I fake sobbed. "How could you, Sophia? My brother of all people. Dear God, the betraya- it's just too much," she pushed me away. We broke into laughter as we fell onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"He had you working all night, didn't he?" She looked at me guilty, "I should have made sure you got back on time. I'm sorry. And why didn't you say anything? I could have easily gotten you put off it."
"I didn't want to worry you, and plus, I wanted to prove a point. I can handle anything he throws at me," I flicked my hair as I got up to my closet.

Chloé followed behind, joining me as we rummaged through my closet for the perfect outfit to wear to the spa when she started talking about the intriguing blonde she had recently met.

"You won't believe who I met the other day," Chloé began, a sparkle in her eye. She pulled out a cotton beige skirt and a  comfy, oversized sweater, setting them on the bed before continuing. "I was at this cute little café downtown, you know, the one with the amazing pastries?"

I nodded, adjusting the outfit as I stood in front of the mirror. "The one with the croissants you love?"

"Exactly!" Chloé said, her excitement palpable. "So, I'm sitting there, sipping my latte, when this blonde walks in. She's got this energy about her, you know? Like she owns the room but in a totally relaxed way."

Chloé rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a simple necklace. A matching set to the one we brought in Greece on one of the Vasilios family trips.

"I can't believe you tricked him into coming with us," I laughed as I whispered to Chloé, Nico following behind us. He looked more laid back than usual when he was here rather than working.
"It surprisingly wasn't that difficult. I guess he had something to do out in town today," she shrugged. I nodded at her words as I could not help but steal a glance at him, only to find him already glancing at me.

"Anyways, she left before I could speak to her.Maybe I'll get to meet her sometime."
"That would be nice," I replied, smoothing out the wrinkles in my hair.

Chloé stood up, stretching her arms above her head. "Okay, enough about that. Are you ready to head out? I can't wait to get to the spa. We both need this."

I nodded eagerly. "Absolutely. I’ve been looking forward to this all week. Just thinking about the massages and the hot tub makes me feel more relaxed already."

"Same here," Chloé said, grabbing her bag. "Plus, the spa has that new treatment we’ve been wanting to try."

"The aromatherapy massage?" I asked, following Chloé out of the room.

"Yes!" Chloé replied. "I've heard it’s incredible. They use these essential oils that are supposed to be really good for relaxation and stress relief. And after the week we’ve had, we deserve it."

We headed out the door, the anticipation of our spa day lifting our spirits. As we drove, Chloé kept the conversation light and fun, talking about everything from the latest races to her new inspired design looks, all thanks to her encounter from yesterday. The spa was about a 30-minute drive away, nestled in a serene location surrounded by nature.

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