𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 10

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"I'm leaving to the dance. I have to pick up Amelia," Chloé informed me. The bud in my ear connected to the call as I comokted a few report documents. "Just you? Is Sophia not going?"
"No. She's staying home to binge on some shows."
"And by home?"
"Here at home. Her mom and dad are having date night, so she's sleeping over."

At home. Here at home.
"Oh. Well, enjoy the dance. Don't do anything reckless."
"I won't. Bye, Nicky." I rolled my eyes at the nickname.

"Sir, your dinner reservation with Miss Deris is at 7. Confirmation?"
Dinner. Right? It was probably the wiser choice to go to the stupid dinner and try to subside any thoughts of her, and yet I found myself saying, " Cancel the reservation."

The office is empty, the hum of the air conditioning the only sound breaking the silence. Darkness outside has long descended, leaving only the glow from my computer screen to illuminate the room. The papers on my desk blur together, a stark reminder that I should have left hours ago. Yet here I am, debating whether to stay or go home.

Home. Where she is.

Sophia is my sister's best friend, and tonight, she's at our place. Chloé is at the school dance, likely lost in a whirlwind of music and laughter, oblivious to the turmoil inside me. It's a simple equation-Chloé at the dance, Sophia alone at our house-but the solution feels anything but straightforward.

I run a hand through my hair, frustration mingling with a desire I can't shake. I've known Sophia for years, watched her grow from a shy girl into a confident young woman. Recently, though, something shifted. The way she looks at me, the lilt in her voice when we talk-it's like a silent invitation I'm both eager and afraid to accept.

If I go home, I'll see her. We might share a conversation, a laugh. I could lose myself in the depths of her eyes, even for just a moment. But it's dangerous, this attraction. Forbidden. Chloé would be furious, and rightly so. Sophia is practically family, and these feelings shouldn't exist.

My heart pounds, a relentless drumbeat against my ribs. I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes, trying to think rationally. It would be so easy to stay here, to drown in work and ignore the magnetic pull drawing me home. But the thought of her, alone, perhaps thinking of me too, is intoxicating.

I know what I should do. Stay here. Be responsible. Yet the desire is a siren's call, pulling me into its depths. I stand up, torn between duty and desire, and take a step towards the door.

"I'm turning out for the night," I announced to Caitlyn. "Yes, sir. Good night," she said, confused.

The thoughts linger behind as I watch her walk back to her office, completely exhausted and yet refusing to stand down. I expected nothing less from her. Soph was never one to back down from a challenge ,especially when she was trying to prove a point to me. She embodied success like a world-class chess champion. Calculating and proving yet again to be victorious. And the game was well worth it.

The laptop screen filled the room as I finished up a call, "Good. Everything should stay on track. I want a full progress report on permits sent to my office by tomorrow evening."
"Yes, sir. I will finalise everything straight away."

I hung up the phone and
continued working, deciding to stay just a little longer. For work reasons, of course. Nothing to do with the ray of crimson still at the office. I looked through the glass wall to spot the red missing from the room and, for unrelated reasons, decided to get siem coffee. I saw that all the lights in the main office were off except the ones in the staff kitchen. I pulled my rolled sleeves up and loosened my tie a bit more as I turned the corner into the room and saw Sophia standing there, waiting for the kettle to boil the water so she could probably fuel up with another cup of caffeine.

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