𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 12

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The next few days passed by as we prepared for the Perez Ball, Zaina, and I working on the will.

"So what's next on the plan?" Zee took off her white framed sunglasses. We were having lunch at her office to discuss the next steps. "The ball."
"The 'Perez Ball,' I'm assuming," she pulled out her sketching pad. "Yes. Every well-known person and trusted journalist and reporter will be there."
"I'm guessing this is the part where you propose to me. 'Oh, yes, Nicky. A million times, yes.' ," she smiled amused as she shaded her sketch.

"Very funny. You know you and Chloé have got to stop calling me that," I got up fixing my watch band. "What? Oh, Nicky. Well, I like her already. Don't forget your part of the deal," she reminded as I pushed my chair in. "I would not dream of it. A deal is a deal. I'll see to it that you can meet her at the Perez Ball."
"Splendid," she closed her sketch pad, "You know this has been fun and all, considering dad has not been on my case anymore and is looking forward to a Vasilios-Artino match, but why didn't you ask her?"
"You know why, Zee. How could I? After everything."
"You still have not told her?"

There were times when I felt tempted to. To explain everything. Especially when I could see the glimpse of the pain I caused her. However, I stop myself. Sometimes, it burns so deep that I feel nothing would ever heal ^

"And I would like to keep it that way. Nothing good would ever come from rehashing over the past. What is done is done. I'll send more details later," I walked out of the office.

I got to the office to find Sophia waiting for me as per our daily meetings. "So we still need to find you a suit and get the permits for the construction team in Egypt. Monsieur Antonie has called to ask about wine tasting for his new bottle set to launch in France."
"Monsieur Antonie- have Chloé assigned to that or Lowie if he'll be able to attend. Perhaps both. Chloé visiting Paris could be good for connections, but maybe having someone with her-"
"I could go if Lowie is unable to," she suggested. "No. I need you here," With me, and away from prying French eyes- I wanted to add, "Plus we may have a business trip scheduled to attend during that time. Permits- I'll call Xion to see where we are with those. And suit-"
"I already scheduled a suit fitting. We should leave in the next 20 minutes."
"Perfect. Are you coming with?"

"I don't see why not. Mr Vasilios," she left my office. "Miss Diaz."

We left to the store a bit downtown.
Stepping into the cool interior of the men's store, I felt a wave of anticipation mixed with slight anxiety. The store was upscale, with polished wooden floors and racks of suits that practically screamed elegance. The scent of expensive cologne mingled with the faint aroma of leather shoes, creating an intoxicating blend. I glanced at Sophia beside me, her eyes already scanning the surroundings with an expert’s precision. Her presence here with me felt like a mixture of a luxury and a comfort, something I wasn’t entirely used to but found myself relishing.

"Good morning, Mr. Vasilios, Ms. Diaz," the store manager greeted us with a nod. "How can I assist you today?"

"We need a suit," Sophia answered before I could, her voice confident and smooth. "Something sharp, tailored, and classic."

The manager smiled and gestured for us to follow him to a section of the store lined with suits. I watched Sophia as she scanned the selection, her fingers trailing along the fabric of a charcoal grey suit. She pulled it out and held it up against me, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Try this one," she suggested, pushing it into my arms.

I stepped into the fitting room and changed quickly, emerging a few minutes later in the tailored suit. Sophia's eyes roved over me, her critical gaze softening into something warmer.

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