𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7

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The next few days had been hectic. Hectic was an understatement. Unbearable was more, I liked it.

Phone call after phone call, email after email about 'Mr Vasilios latest doll' . At least, that's what the tabloids were calling her. With blonde hair and the perfect designer heels, she looked as bit the role model toy that all girls loved, a Barbie doll.

It was exonerating, to say the least.   Shutting down rumours about a secret baby. "No. Mr Vasilios and Miss Artino do not have a secret son. You have a lovely day today," I put the phone back down for the thousandth time today, I'm sure.

The buzzing was starting to get to my head, and I was already close to marching over to his office and leaving it there so he could solve this whole mess himself.

The selfish bastard had left me to fend for myself against countless reporters and journalists while he was out. With her, no less. Phone ring.

Uggh, I need a drink.

"No, Mr. Vasilios and Miss Artino do not have a secret baby. Good day," I replied, annoyed. "Good to know. Sorry, am I speaking to Miss Diaz?" asked the caller. "This is she. How can I help you?"
"I'm Mr. Santos. Miss Artino's assistant."
"Oh. I'm so sorry. My phone has been driving me crazy all day."
"Yeah, I know the feeling," he laughed on the other side.

We spoke about setting up a meeting to finalise their statements to the public in confirmation of our PR teams. We settled on the day before the Perez ball, to which they were both invited too. Chido. An evening of seeing them all over each other.
It was all so weird, to be honest. I had never seen him so fond of a girl before, let alone in public, but the pictures were there. Feeding her a piece of steak during dinner. Covering her with his jacket when it was a cold night.

"What if we get wet?"
"We won't. I'll cover you with my jacket."

"Jesus Sophia. Are you trying to burn yourself!" Warned Andy as I poured the hot water out of thought. "Sorry. I've just been so out of it lately," I wiped the countertop.
"I can't imagine. It's all unbelievable, really. I didn't think I'd ever see Mr Vasilios dating someone," she said as she placed the kettle back in its place.
"Yeah. I know the feeling," I whispered as I mixed my coffee.

"Actually, I am  pretty sure the whole office was convinced you and Mr Vasilios were together. All those late nights alone I the office? I wouldn't blame you, honestly. The Vasilios family gene is To. Die. For," she laughed off. "Yeah, well luckily for me. I know how to set my professional boundaries straight, do you not?" I bit back. "I wouldn't risk my job just for a good-looking face."

"And money. Don't forget money. Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. It was just a harmless rumour," she quickly apologised. "I'm sure it was. Though if I were you, I'd make sure Mr Vasilios never hears of it. Have a nice day, Andy," I left to my office, my hot beverage in hand.

I wasn't oblivious to the rumours. I always knew of the whispers happening around the office. Suspicions that Nicolas and I were screwing around when everyone had knocked off. And I knew that he knew too.

But we never acknowledged them or spoke about anything relating to the sorts.

I mean, we hadn't even spoken about our own past. How he left so abruptly. Though I don't think I was ready for that conversation either.

Every time I had even thought about it, there was this unsettling feeling like my chest was tightening all over again. How he was there after him. The painful memories. Of him. Of my dad. My papa.

"Papa wake up. Papa?!!"  I relentlessly shook his body. "Papa, please wake up."

I blinked the tears away, wiping my eyes with my sleeve. Great, now I have eyeliner all over my sleeve. I hurried over to the bathroom to clean up. As I finished washing my hands, the bathroom stall opened up, revealing a tall figure. Zaina Artino.

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