𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 15

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The email from Nicolas arrived at precisely 6:00 AM, as punctual as always. It contained details about our upcoming business trip to Vegas. I scanned the itinerary with a mixture of dread and determination. We had important clients to meet and deals to finalize, but the thought of spending so much time in close proximity to him was daunting. I closed my laptop and let out a heavy sigh.

Me: What about Chloé?
Douchebag Boss : Chloé will be left in safe hands. I have asked someone to look after her while we are away.
Me: And you really think that is the best choice?
Douchebag Boss: Yes. Do you trust me?

More than I should.
Me: Fine. I'll check to see if she is going to the track today, and I will update you from that.

The past few days had been a whirlwind of emotions. Seeing Nicolas at my doorstep, vulnerable and apologetic, had stirred up old wounds I thought had healed. His proposal to Zaina was expected, but it still cut deep. I had built a life around accepting that Nico and I were over, yet his presence always managed to unsettle me.

Chloé was still asleep, so I took the opportunity to gather my thoughts and prepare for the day. As I sipped my coffee, my mind replayed the events of the previous night. Nicolas' words echoed in my head: "You meant everything to me, Sophia." It was hard to reconcile those words with the reality of his engagement. I had to remind myself that his life choices were none of my concern anymore. My focus needed to be on the job and nothing else.

Chloé stirred, bringing me back to the present. I set my coffee mug down and went to check on her. She was sitting up in bed, her eyes still heavy with sleep.

"Morning, Chloé. How are you feeling today?" I asked, sitting beside her.

She rubbed her eyes and gave me a weak smile. "Better, I think. Thanks for staying with me last night."

I brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Of course, sweetheart. I'll always be here for you. Are you up for the track today?"

She nodded, and I helped her get ready. Despite the challenges, having Chloé with me was a blessing. She grounded me and reminded me of what truly mattered. By the time she was ready to leave, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. I could handle this trip. I had to.

After dropping Chloé off at the track,  I returned home to pack. I kept my wardrobe professional, selecting outfits that exuded confidence and competence. I needed to maintain my composure around Nicolas, especially in a professional setting. My phone buzzed with a message from him.

Douchebag Boss: "The car will pick you up at 10. See you at the airport."

I replied with a brief acknowledgement and finished packing. The ride to the airport was uneventful, giving me time to mentally prepare for the days ahead. When I arrived, Nico was waiting by the gate, looking as composed and impeccable as ever. He greeted me with a nod, his expression unreadable.

"Sophia, ready to go?" he asked.

I matched his professionalism. "Yes, Mr. Vasilios. Let's get this done."

The flight to Vegas was smooth, filled with the usual small talk and reviewing of documents. We both focused on the tasks at hand, avoiding any personal topics. It was a delicate dance of maintaining boundaries while navigating the complexities of our past. I was determined to keep things strictly professional.

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