𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 18

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You know that moment when you know you fucked up and your mom was about to kill you? Well..."What do you mean you are married?" Yeah, I fucked up.

"It was a spur-" "Hold up. You got married and did not even have a real wedding?! Sophia!" I wasn't even half way about my excuse and I was already evading hands.
"Mama!" Lucía tried to hook her back. Mama pushed past her, "If you know what's best for you, you'll stay out of this," she threatened with her spatula, "And you!"

I ran around the dining room table, trying to escape her wrath. And where is the person who got me into this? Well, my dear husband was busy with Xion at the law firm. And by busy, I mean setting up the contract tht will probably be the death sentence for my life.
"Lo siento Mama. Lo siento!" I tried to escape but ended up bumping into a chair. Ow, that's gonna hurt.
"Estúpido. Estúpido. Estúpido!"

"Don't Mama me. Should have thought about that when you were busy getting married. Without a proper wedding might I add," she stopped hitting me. It was light hits but best believe they got the sense knocked into me. A little too late now.

"Now. Where is your lovely husband?" She asked with a smile back on her face. Of course. "At the office."
"The office? What would he be doing at the office during your honeymoon?"

"Yeah, what is he doing at the office during your honeymoon?" Lucía asked, putting extra emphasis on the last part.
"Well we haven't exactly decided on a honeymoon destination yet, so-"
"What about Spain? I know how much you loved it there during your degree. Wouldn't it be nice to visit there with him?"

"I don't know Mama. Spain? I'm not sure about that."
"Why not? I remember how excited you were when you came back. What is it you said...Oh, 'It was magical.It was great alone but with someone special to share it with? Heaven'," Lucía added, "Unless you haven't found that special someone yet. I would have imagined 'your husband' should be a worthy candidate." She gave me a knowing look, as if she could spot the lie in my announcement.

"Look my princesa. We are not forcing you into anything. But you already didn't have a wedding, which I am still not over and definitely expect something later by the way, and it would be unfortunate to miss your honeymoon as well. This is the time you two should be spending with each other. Getting to know and love each other. I remember how in love your papa and I were that right after our wedding, we went straight for it," she smiled.

"Yeah, no need to tell us about how Lucía was conceived again," I hoped to lighten the mood. It earned me an eye roll and laugh from Lucía," Yeah, definitely not."

We helped Mama finish up making lunch and enjoyed some tv while we ate up. When Mama fell asleep halfway through the movie, Lucía and I cleaned up in the kitchen. "So married huh? To Nicolas nonetheless."
"Yes Lucía. To... Nicolas," The name almost got stuck in my throat. I still couldn't believe it. "You know I know you probably better than you know yourself right? So hiding something is probably not in your best interest right now," she finished washing a plate. "Well luck for me, I am not hiding anything," I took it from the water in the sink, to wipe. "Are you sure chico? I mean forgive me, but I find it very hard to believe that you two are married. Well maybe not. But under the circumstances, tell me- did you two finally have the talk?"
"Talk about what?" I tried to act clueless.
"I am going to take that as a no. So how pray tell, are you two married? Reckless night in Vegas sure. But why not get divorced?"

I sighed deeply and placed the plate down. Maybe telling Lucía was in our best interest, considering she was my sister and would probably find out one way or another.
"Look I'm not going to pressure you into telling me but, I just don't want to see you...like that, again."
"Lucía, it's complicated," I confessed.

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