3. Nikki's Parents

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Hey there, folks!

Last time, I told you about the morning following my first time with my sweet girlfriend Nikki. How I love the sound of that. My girlfriend Nikki.

Well, after my mom said she was fine with our relationship and assured us her support, we had two more people to convince of our relationship. Those were Idrissa and Asha Kofi, Nikki's parents.

As I have mentioned it in my last entry, mom wanted to speak with Mrs. Kofi alone first. Nikki's mother was a long-time friend of hers, and by far the more understanding part of Nikki's parents. I was always a bit afraid of Mr. Kofi. He is such a big and strong feline, very muscular, not that common for cheetahs. He is well-known in the entire city, as his father helped to build parts of Darwin's Hope, especially in the Lamark district, in which we live. I also know that he served in Afghanistan during his time in the Army, he was even decorated for his braver, he was even awarded for his bravery. The Kofi's are also wealthy, their house is so much bigger than ours. It has two floors, of which Nikki has the entire upper floor for herself, including her own bathroom with whirlpool. And her computer, damn, I wish I had such a fast PC. They also have three cars, a big Pick-Up truck, a limousine, and Nikki's car.

But let us move on.

Mom called Mrs. Kofi a few hours after Nikki and I confessed everything to her. She invited Nikki's mother over for coffee and cake in the evening. Since I love to bake, I made the cake myself. It was an oblong cake with almonds on it and a chocolate icing on top. It is called a chocolate saddle of venison cake, my absolute favorite cake.

We prepared everything for the evening, cleaned the living room, Mom made fresh coffee. For me, this stuff actually smells better than it tastes. I don't understand why adults always want to drink this bitter stuff in the morning. Hot cocoa tastes so much better. At about six o'clock, we heard the bell ringing. Mom and Nikki stayed in the kitchen, while I opened the door to welcome Mrs. Kofi.

"Hello, Mrs. Kofi. Mom and Nikki are in the kitchen. We made cake and coffee for you."

Nikki's mom smiled while gently caressed my cheek. Friendly as always, she said:

"Hey Balto, so nice to see you again. How are you? It smells fantastic, I can't wait to get some. Say, did you grow again? I swear you are bigger than last time."

Her words made me chuckle.

"I am fine, Mrs. Kofi. How about you? Oh, and I made the cake together with Nikki. Well, I baked it, she just licked out the bowl."

Now the feline had to giggle.

"That sounds more like my daughter than her actually baking something. And I am fine, sweetie. Now let me in, the smell of this cake is truly mouthwatering."

Mom walked over to us, closely followed by Nikki. The adults shared a close hug, while Nikki and I sat down on the sofa. My mother said after she and Mrs. Kofi also sat down:

"I am so glad you could come, Asha. The kids made this cake just for us."

Mrs. Kofi looked at Nikki and me, then her head turned back to my mother:

"My pleasure, Christa. Your son already told me about the cake, it smells fantastic. Is that this old recipe you got from your mother? It is quite rare that a boy at Balto's age is interested in baking, you can be happy about this."

Nikki interfered:

"Hey, I helped."

Her mom's reply followed quickly:

"Yes, Nicole. Balto told me. You licked out the bowl while he did all the work."

While I barely could hide a giggle, Nikki said:

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