7. Party Night

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Hey there, folks! I hope you are all doing well.

To start this entry, I want to go back to our last one. Some might remember that Nikki wrote about how she and my mom, how shall I put this, deepened their bond a bit. For those who don't remember or who didn't read the entry, here is a short explanation: After we watched all four Indiana Jones movies, they went to my mother's room for a talk between mother and girlfriend. At the end of their conversation, they shared a long, passionate kiss. Then they both played a mean prank on me, but you better go back and read it yourself if it is of interest to you.

At first, it was a little shocking for me to hear about them kissing each other, but then I thought that it could be worse. Sure, this may sound weird to some, but if it makes Nikki happy, I am happy. And I know that she is in good hands if she is doing this with Mom. Not to forget that Nikki allows me to play with other girls, too. Apart from that, I also find the thought of it somewhat exciting. Maybe they even did more together than just kissing. But I doubt that. Nikki surely would have told me about it.

But let us move on. Summer break is finally here, which means no more school for a few weeks. However, it is more important that Nikki now stays at our house for most of the time. It's a pity that adults can't enjoy the same luxury. Mom has to work every day until late in the afternoon.

Our mornings usually start with cereal, coffee, and cocoa in front of the TV. Sometimes, we also play video games or listen to music. A couple of days ago, Nikki brought one of her gaming consoles with her to our house, along with a karaoke game. She performed a few of my favorite songs for me, which I absolutely loved. This cheetah has such a great voice for singing. She also wanted to sing a duet with me, but I was too afraid of making a fool out of myself. Nikki was disappointed. She meant I would often sing underneath the shower. Well, that is actually true, but up to this point, I thought that no one had ever heard me.

Besides watching TV, we both enjoy going on long walks in the nearby Darwin State Park, and we often go shopping in the mall. A few days ago, we visited a nice spa a bit outside of town with our parents. It was wonderful there and so relaxing. I even had my first professional massage. It was also the first time I saw Nikki's mom in a bikini. Well, at least the first time I remember. Nikki clearly comes after her. She has the same slim body as her daughter and about the same height. Only her sports are different, but I already mentioned this is an earlier entry. Believe me if I say that these two ladies could be sisters. I could also take a closer look at Mr. Kofi, Nikki's father. He is a big, muscular man with the fur pattern of a king cheetah. His appearance still frightens me. One of his most salient features is the missing part of his right ear. As he has told me during a, as he titled it, man-to-man talk, this was a souvenir he got during an enemy ambush while he served in Afghanistan as an army scout.

For most others, meeting friends would be an essential part of their summer break. Not so for me. The most obvious reason for that is that I don't really have friends. Mom is sometimes worried about that, but I can live with it. Most of my classmates are so damn annoying. Ok, there is that fox, Mikey. A gray fox, a bit of an extrovert, talks a lot. He often comes to me during break time and wants to talk about comics, movies, and other nerdy stuff. I guess he wants to be my friend, but, so far, I have mostly ignored his attempts. Perhaps I should give it a try. But this isn't exactly relevant for this entry, and I am certain we will find a better opportunity to talk about him.

Last Friday morning, Nikki and I were sitting on the couch and watching a documentary about Stark College. It was raining cats and dogs outside, so we couldn't do much else.

Before you ask, we had sex. Several times. The only thing remaining in my balls was dust, and my dick was sore. I guess you get the point.

Nikki's phone rang with the sound of a loudly moaning girl, which could only mean one thing. It was her best friend Trish, a girl she had known since her freshman year in High School. My cheetah walked over to the kitchen to take the call, which is why I could only hear Nikki's part of their conversation:

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