4. Bullies, School and naked Facts

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Hey there, folks!

Yeah, I know, the title sounds a bit like a porno. Sorry about that, I couldn't think of a better one.

This time, I want to tell you about something that happened at school a couple of days ago. Sadly, it was not something good.

But before we begin, I would like to tell you a few things about my school in general. I am currently attending 7th grade at the Seppala High and Middle School.

As you might have guessed, it is a bigger school. One of the biggest in the city, to be precise. Darwin's Hope is not a large town, which is why there are just a few other schools. I will give you a brief overview:

Darwin's Hope is separated into 4 districts:

Mendel District in the North,

Venter District in the East,

Dawkins District in the South,

and the

Lamarck District in the West.

Seppala High is on the west side of town, in the Lamarck district. This is also the area where I live. Besides Seppala High, we also have an elementary school in our district. The northern part of town is named after Gregor Mendel, here you can find an elementary school, one middle School, a high school, and most famous, Stark College. Inside this district, you can find some of our town's richest families. A small human population also lives there, mostly rich bankers. The eastern district was named after Craig Venter. There is one elementary school in this district, as well as one high school and one middle school. If we look to the south, we have the Dawkins district, named after Richard Dawkins. Sadly, this is the poorest part of town, which has no schools at all. The few kids there mostly visit the schools in the Lamarck and Venter districts.

Ok, now back to the topic. My school includes a large schoolyard with grass fields and tall trees, there are benches and tables, the whole thing almost looks like a park.

Seppala High was named after a man from Norway who played a major role in the success of the Serum Run in Alaska in 1925. I don't want to go too much into detail here, I am sure you know the story of the Serum Run or have at least heard of it once. Another well-known landmark of our school is the big fountain in front of the main entrance, with a statue of the goddess Athene in the center. Back in ancient day Greek, Athene was revered as the goddess of wisdom, strategy, war, arts, crafting, and handwork. The poor woman surely suffer from too much free time.

I hope so much that I can go to college after I have finished high school, but mom says that it is pretty expensive to go there. To have at least the chance of going to a good one later, I must have perfect grades. That way I maybe have the chance to get a scholarship or something like that.

Learning can sometimes be a challenging task. Luckily, my mother, and especially Nikki often help me with my homework, which is one of the reasons I get A's on almost all of my tests. Ok, perhaps my excellent memory also helps a bit. One of my biggest weaknesses is sport. That simply isn't my thing. Especially if they want us to play team-based games like soccer or softball. What I do like in sport is running. I'm pretty quick on my paws, which has earned me the nickname Speedy.

Mom is sometimes worried about the fact that I don't have many friends to play with. For me, that's not such a big issue. I prefer to read comics, watch movies, and most importantly learn about new things instead of wasting my time with other kids who just make fun of me behind my back.

Nikki is currently a senior in high school. She recently told me that she has already written applications to several colleges, but none of them have replied yet.

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