{Part 3}

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Monday: October 17, 1988

A/n: This is the time skip of JJ concussion because she just missed school and just rested. Nothing interesting. ANYWAYYYYYY on we go with the story.

I started to feel better yesterday, but today I felt like my usual self. My head didn't hurt at all anymore. I had little scabs from where the cuts were, but they were mostly healed. My bruises were now this ugly green, which meant that they are gonna heal soon. I went downstairs and I threw some bread in the toaster and went back upstairs. I had my mom go to the store for me a few days ago to get me some warmer clothes. I quickly got changed and when back downstairs to get my toast. I ate my toast, drank some water, and went upstairs to brush my hair and teeth. I heard the Billy honking the horn from outside. I threw my shoes on, grabbed my bag and ran out the door. 

On the way to school, me and Billy shared a joint that he rolled a few days prior

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On the way to school, me and Billy shared a joint that he rolled a few days prior. We had finished it just as we pulled into the school parking lot. "You gotta walk home today. I got a hot date." I scoffed but walked over to the school doors. I seen Gen talking with some other friends of hers. I walk over towards her. "Hey Gen." She turns and looks at me, eyes widen. "HOLY SHIT YOUR ALIVE! I THOUGHT VANCE HAD KILLED YOU!" She hugs me tightly. 

"Nah. I just got a concussion, but I still fucked him up." I said. "I know. When he came to school Monday you and him were the hot gossip. No one could shut up about it. I heard that you were playing the pinball machine at Grab N' Go. No one ever dares to touch that thing because Vance will kill them. I'm surprised he didn't take it easy on you, I mean you are new, BUT YOU ROCKED HIS SHIT! I couldn't believe it. He came to school fucked up, he was waiting every day for you to come back, but you never did, so he might have calmed down, but I don't know." 

It was hard keeping up with her, she spoke so much in so little time. "Yeah. He smashed my head into the shelf a few times because I was on top of him, kicking his ass." Her eyes widened, and a smile grew on her face. "Thats...Fucking...AWESOME!" she squealed, jumping up and down while holding my hands. I smiled at her. The bell then rings and everyone walks inside. We went to my locker first because it was closer. Then we walked to Gens. From leaving Billys car to Gens locker, it was about 10 minutes, and the high was kicking in. 

I feel my eyes get heavy and time 'slow down.' Once Gen had her books, she looked at me and noticed pretty quickly. "Holy shit JJ. School just started." She said it in a whisper but yelling tone. I started to smile and giggle. She looks around and grabs my arm. "Stop Gen. I'm fine." I mumble. "Girl you can't even walk straight," She says, "Who did you even get it from?"   "My brother and I shared one."    "Oh you mean your hot brother? I look at her. "How do you even know him?" I slur. "I seen you getting out of his car. Say, how old is he?" I look at her and laugh. "Genevieve," I keep laughing. "Your what 15-16? Billy's 18."  "It's not funny. He's hot." I just laugh at her as we walk into class. She walks me to my seat and then walks to hers. She sits only 2 seats in front of me. I place my head in my hand and get my notebook out, to try and take notes. I seen Gen turn around, giving me a thumbs up, which I gave back. My eyes were heavy, I just closed them and end up falling asleep the rest of the class.

I sit down at lunch across from Gen. I start eating the shitty lunch food like crazy. "Girl relax you're going to choke." I hear Gen say. "I so fucking hungry." I say with a full mouth. I see Gen laugh and eat her food. I take the final two bits of my food and a drink water. As I finish chewing, I see Vance sit down next to me. I roll my eyes and look at Gen. She looks scared. "Get the fuck out of my face Vance." I mumble, but loud enough for people to hear. I heard a bunch of gasps and whispers around us. Everyone at my table had gotten up, including Gen. 

"You bitch." With that he jumps on top of me and tries to punch me but just as his fist goes down to punch me, I moved my head, so he hits the ground. He yells and I pushed him off while I got up quickly. I grabbed his shirt and started punching him. He then pushed me off and I hit my back right on the edge of the table. I roll over and groan in pain. Vance gets up and grabs my shirt collar. He picks me up and slams me on the table. 

Then he starts to punch me but I kick him in his stomach which made him fly back. I grabbed a tray and smashed his face with it when 5 teachers came into the cafeteria to break us up. 3 teachers grabbed Vance while 2 grabbed me. I push them off pretty quickly, and Vance does the same. I go to kick him, but he grabs my leg. Luckily Billy has put me in this kind of scenario before. I pick my other leg up before he could make me fall and I kick him in his chest, yes, I may have fallen too but at least he fell with me. At that point before I got up the teachers grabbed up and dragged us to the principal's office. They sit us down and then leave the room. The principal sighs. "Vance. Jessie-"   "It's JJ." He sighs again. "JJ your new so I'll give you a week of detention, Vance, same for you."  "Just suspend me dude."   "I've suspended you over 5 times. It doesn't work. So I'm trying detentions instead. If those don't work, you'll go back to your suspensions. Alright?" I nod, so does Vance. "Now go." I head to the bathroom to get cleaned up. "Asshole." I hear Vance mumble. I just roll my eye and keep doing what I'm doing.


Detention was boring, I just sat there and drew, trying to pass the time. Detention was 1 and 1/2 hours so when I got home it was dinner and then that was it for the day. Mom must've been sleeping because there was Mac an' Cheese with chicken nuggets on the table, which meant Billy made 'dinner.' I grabbed a plate and went to the couch and just watched Carrie. Which I fell asleep to.

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