{Part 14.5}

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Saturday, October 29, 1988

Once I'm back inside I look around and see Gen with some other friends, and same with Vance. I walk over to the table and grab a cup, then pour some punch into it. I start to walk to Gen. I see a bunch of people going upstairs, going to bathrooms, arguing, dancing. I guess Holly does throw the best party's.

Just before I reach Gen, I hear what some of her friends are saying. "No its crazy. I could never had my dad try and kill me. No wonder JJ is so fucking crazy, I mean, we all know Vance is a lot, but how could he put up with her?" Once girl says. "I totally agree. What about her mom? Where was she, or does she even have a mom?" Another says. "Her mom works 3 jobs just to support her family so don't judge JJ without even knowing her story. Also, her dad was fucked up on drugs. Also," Gen stretches out, "She loves Vance and he loves her, so mind your own fucking business. Maybe you and Oliver should work things out first, I seen him go into a room with Iris." Gen then stands up and walks away.

I smile at how she defends me, even though she hasn't even known me for a month yet. I walk over to her. "Hey Genny." I say, taking a small drink. "Oh hey! Where did you go?" I point outside. "Billy was doing the keg, then we played chairs." He jaw drops. "They let you outside? That's like a no go area. Then they let you play a game? Your fucking lucky." I scoff.

"Also, what was Bruce talking to you about?" I freeze. I feel myself grow stiff. "Not much. Just about his baseball game." She nods. "Did he say anything about Vance?" I take a sip, maintaining eye contact. "No. He just wanted to introduce himself. He told me how he only goes to school 3 times a week, other than that he's home school. The also about his baseball. Why would he say anything about Vance?" I tilt my head.

I do that to try and make the other person seem wrong for asking, and I know it's wrong to do it to Gen but that's just how I lie. "Nothing. No reason. sorry for bringing it up." She takes a sip of her drink. That's the answer I was looking for. The answer that makes the other person seem like they've got something to hide. Which makes me wonder if what Bruce said was true. I don't want to believe it but I need to know more.

I take Gens arm in mine and walk over to Bruce. "Hey Bruce." I say, tapping him on the shoulder. "Oh hey Jessie J." He says. "What did you call me?" I laugh. "Jessie J. I like it better then JJ and now it's what I will call you." He has a smug look on his face. "Um okay," I scoff out, "I was just wondering if we could go outside and talk more about Julie."   "Why do you guys want to talk about Julie?" I hear Vance say behind us. Bruce's face goes pale.

"He was just talking about his siblings and I thought Julie was interesting." I say, turning to face him. "Why would you want to talk outside?" His gaze is locked on Bruce. "Because it's really loud in here. Why?" He shrugs. "No reason." I nod.

"Let's go." I grab Bruce above his elbow and take him into the front, me and Gen still arm in arm. "This is a bad idea." Bruce mutters. "Yeah." Gen whispers. "Why? Because you're both scared of Vance? Well I'm not, ok. So lets forget about him and lets talk." I then take the to the side of the porch. 

"Well what do you want to know about her?" I take out the cigarettes I had hidden and then light one. "I want to know the whole story." He nods. "Well, my mom, my dad, Amy, my younger sister, me and Julie had lived here since I was born. Vance lived here his whole live. Him and Julie got along really well. They were best friends, loved each other. The friend kind of way. Skip to where Vance is 9 and Julie is 10, when his mom passed, he snapped. He fought a lot. Then the drinking, sex, and smoking started. Skip to Julie being 15 and Vance 14, where all the stupid shit went down."

March 16, 1986.    2 years ago.       Julies POV

"Hey Van. Where you going?" I ask him, following him down the street. "I don't know. Not school, or home. Cops on my ass for another fight at Grab 'N Go. Why aren't you at school?" I shrug. "Didn't feel like it. Who did you fight today." He looks down at his bloody knuckles.

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