{Part 4}

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Tuesday: October 18, 1988

I wake up to the sound of Billy shaking me. "JJ! GET YOUR ASS UP!" I rolled over and seen him standing over me. His eyes widen. "New bruises? Was it that blonde kid?" He said with this angry tone. "Yeah. I'm fine." I stood up and grabbed some clothes and tried to walk out to the bathroom. "I'm going to kick his fucking ass."   "Billy I got it. I can handle myself." He rolls his eyes but walks out of the room so I could change, but I was going to the bathroom anyway, so I followed behind him.  I changed and brushed my teeth. I didn't feel like eating today. I then brushed my hair and put it up into a half up half down. I walk into Billys room and grab one of his jackets. (Image shown below, pretend there's a leather jacket.)

I walk downstairs and see him standing by the door, glaring at me

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I walk downstairs and see him standing by the door, glaring at me. He walked out the door, I followed behind him. I sit down waiting for him to pull out, I grab a cigarette and light it. I take my 2 puffs and then pass it to Billy. "What do you want for your birthday?" He asks, cigarette moving around in his lips as he talks. "I don't really know. My driver's license 100% but I also want some more clothes or a Walkman." I look over and see him nod. He sits leaning back with one hand on the wheel, the other on the cigarette he passes to me. "What's with teen age girls and clothes?" I laugh. "I only have a few clothes that mom got me. So, your turn." I smile at him and hand back the cigarette. He scoffs. The rest of the ride was quiet, just songs playing softly.

Once we got to school, I got out, and Billy followed. "What are you doing?" He ignored me, just walked. I followed him, but I had to speed walk to keep up with him. "Billy? What are you doing?" Again, he ignored me. We walked into the group of kids, still on Billys hip, wondering what he's doing. He walks towards Vance. He walks faster. Once we were right in front of him, Billy grabbed his collar and shoved him into the brick wall, lifting him up. 

Vance was maybe 5'8-5'9 and Billy was 6'0 so he had some height on him. "BILLY!" I shout. "You touch my fucking sister again, and I'll fucking kill you." He says through his teeth. "BILLY WHAT THE FUCK? I TOLD YOU I CAN HANDLE IT MYSELF!" He still ignores me. Vance doesn't seem scared. He just looks at Billy blankly. Billy then slams him into the wall again. "Got it?" He says louder, Vance nodded, he wasn't scared, he seemed unphased. Billy drops him and walks away, with me following after. "Dude! What the hell?"   

"Kid gives you a fucking concussion and then fights you the second you go back. I'm not going to have you come home every goddamn day with cuts and busies, so if he touches you again, I'll fucking murder him." After that he walks to his car and drives away, with his engine roaring. I scoff and turn back around, to see the whole crowd of kids staring at me. Just then everyone turns around, whispering. I walk in the crowd and go to Gen. "Hey." I say quietly. Angry and embarrassed. "Girl. Your brother is so hot. Give me his number please." I laugh at her. The doors then open and everyone walks in. "Hey, I'm going to go to the bathroom so just meet me at my locker. Okay?" I nod and go to my locker. 

As I open it, Vance walks over to me, slamming it shut. "Yes?" I look at him. "You told your brother?" His teeth are grinding together. "No. He just seen that after you gave me a concussion, that you fought me the minute I come back. So, he got a little pissed off. I can't control Billy. I told him to leave it alone and that I can handle it myself, but he doesn't listen to me." I reopen my locker. "Well tell him that you're a big girl and you can handle your own shit." He then storms away. I just roll my eyes and go to class.


I walk into gym, already wanting to leave. I go to the locker room and change. I put and oversized T and some shorts. I walk out and wait for instructions. This was one of my rare classes that I didn't have Gen in, but I still didn't talk to anyone. I just did the game or activity and moved on. Our gym teacher was in good shape, so he pushed us to work really hard. One time I walked out of class with my legs shaking. He made us do stretches and warm-up, that stuff. "Alright," his voice echos through the gym, "Were going to practice passing for soccer. I will pick your partners and you do this back and forth for 10 minutes. Okay. Jenny with Mark, Kylie with Juile, George with Taylor, JJ with Vance." 

He continues to read names, but I just roll my eyes. Not him. I look over at Vance whose already death glaring me. "Alright. Grab a ball and partner up." I walk to go get a ball because I assumed that Vance wouldn't get it. I grab the ball and walk over to him. I bounce the ball on my knee a few times before I pass it to him. I used to play soccer in Miami. He looks at the ball, then me. I give him a confused look. He kicks the ball back. "I'm not doing this shit with you." He mumbles. "Ok." I kick the ball up with my foot and bounce it knee to knee, I even balance it on my foot before kicking it to my head and bouncing it like that. 

I then put it back down to my knee when the teacher grabs it. "Nice tricks JJ but you're supposed to be passing with Vance."   "He said he didn't to do it, so I said ok." The teacher looks at Vance. "At least go back and forth 5 times Vance." Vance rolls his eyes but does it anyway.           We do more soccer practice for the rest of class before we go to change and get dismissed to head home.

A/n: I'm going to do a part 4.5 because I keep making these chapters really long so sorry about that.😭

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