{Part 4.5}

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Tuesday: October 18, 1988

I get changed into my clothes again and walk out of the school building. I see Billys car, so I start walking towards it. I hop in the car and see that Billys in a bad mood. "What's wrong with you?" He shakes his head and just starts the car. He starts the engine and speeds off. When he's upset, he drives way faster. "Billy? Billy slow down!" The engine roars. "Billy what the hell's wrong?"   "Dads here." He says coldly. "What?" My face drops. What is he doing here? What does he want? "Why?" He shrugs his shoulders and grabs a cigarette and holds open the box and offered me my own cigarette, which he never does but I took it. After he lit his he handed me the lighter. I light mine and roll down the window.

                                                      Flashback: September 29th before the move.

"DAD LEAVE HER ALONE!" Billy screamed. I cried and cried, as my dad continued to hit me over and over with his belt. I couldn't move. I was so sore and in so much pain. I look up and see Billy Grabbing my dad and pulling him off of me. I crawl over to the couch and hide behind it. I hear dad and Billy landing punches on each other. "DON'T THINK YOUR STRONGER THAN ME BOY!" My dad bellows. I flinch at the sound of his voice. 

I look over and see the door open and mom walk in. She immediately drops her keys and bag, running over to me. "OH MY GOD BABY! WHAT HAPPENED?" She holds me tight. "It's dad. He is hurting me and Billy." I sob into her chest. My mom looks up and seen dad kicking Billy who is already on the ground. "JAMES! OH MY GOD JAMES STOP!" She runs over to him, pulling him away from Billy. "GET THE HELL OFF ME KELLY! THE KIDS HAVE BEEN TROUBLE!" I jump to see Billy next to me. I hug him, keeping him close. 

I hear a loud smack and my mom yell. "JAMES WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH YOU?"  I look over the couch and see mom getting up from the ground. "I TOLD YOU; THE KIDS WERE BAD." He says in a loud but calm tone. I sit back down and crawl around to the couch. Billy tries to stop me, but I shake him off. I reach the island and grab the Vodka bottle that was on the island. I then crawl around to where dads back was facing me. Him and mom were still screaming at each other. I stand up, trying not to make a sound. 

Once I was up, I smashed the bottle onto dad's head. He fell over. I got a pan from the sink as quickly as I could. He got up and grabbed me and threw me across the island. I screamed when I hit the floor because a big glass shard had stabbed right into my arm. I hear dad's heavy footsteps walking towards me. Then they stop, there was a loud bang. I look up and see mom with the pan, standing over him. She grabbed me and Billy and dragged us out of the house.

"JJ? JJ!" I jump when I hear Billy voice as he shakes me. "We're here." I look in front of me and seen our house, dad's car in the driveway. I take a deep breath and grab my arm, where the glass had stabbed me. The stiches were gone but it was still a big scab, and already scaring. I step out of the car and walk towards the door. I take another deep breath before opening the door. I walk into the house, mentally preparing myself. I see dad and mom sitting down on the couch. "Your here why?" I stare at my dad, blankly.  'Hello to you to Jess-"   "JJ."    "JJ. I'm here because I got evicted and I need a place to stay." I scoff at him. "Ok. There are things called hotels and motels. In Miami, you didn't need to come to Denver."   "Well, I rather stay at a place for free then pay." I look at my mom, who's zoned out, debating whether or not to allow him to. "Mom, you can't actually be considering this." I couldn't believe her. "You can stay for 3 days, you sleep on the couch, and no alcohol." I scoff and just walk out of the house and go to Grab N' Go. I ignored any screams after me. I can't believe her.


I walk into grab and go and just lean on the fridge, watching the pinball game Vance was playing, in silence. "What?" I hear Vance groan. "Nothing. Just watching." I mumble. Out of the corner of my eye I see Vance look at me. I felt so numb. I was just zoned out watching the ball got back and forth. I didn't realize that Vance had even lost until Vance touched my shoulder. I jumped. "Wanna go?" He holds up some quarters. "No, I'm okay. I just didn't want to be home." He gives me some kind of are you sure look.' I nod and watch him go back to playing.

"Stores closed you two. Go home." I heard the store clerk say. I groan. I didn't want to go home. Me and Vance walked out at the same time, quiet. "You okay?" I hear him ask. "No. Just my asshole dad. Nothing special." I keep my head down staring at the ground. "I know where Gen lives if you want to go there." I shake my head. "No, cause Billy will probably kick my ass for leaving him alone with dad. I'll probably get yelled at by him once I get home." I keep staring at the ground, wishing my dad would just leave. Me and Vance just walk in silence till we split onto our different streets. I walk for a little longer before I get home. I walk inside and see dad sitting on the couch, watching TV. I just go to my room, change, and go to sleep. Not even letting anyone know I'm home.

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