{Part 14}

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Saturday, October 29, 1988.

We walk for about 20 minutes. When we reach Hollys house, my mouth drops. She lives in a 3 story house, it's paint job looks fresh, the bushes are trimmed perfectly, her grass is a perfect green with wild flowers all around it. "Damn." Someone says behind me. I turn and see Vance. I smile and hug him.

"You weren't lying about jeans and leather jacket." I say, looking down at his abs. "I told you." He holds open his jacket. "Stare as long as you want. I could stand here all day." I scoff but turn to Gen, grab her hand then Vances and pull them inside.

I walk in and see a bunch of people, kids my age, and kids older. I look outside and see Billy doing a keg. I push past people, trying to get outside. As I walk closer, some kid stops in front of me. "Hi. I'm Bruce." He holds out his hand. I shake it. "JJ. Nice to meet you." I shout slightly, as the music is so loud. "You trying to go outside?" He points behind him. "Yeah my brother is doing the keg, I want to hear what hes at." Bruce nods and puts an arm around my shoulder, helping me get past.

"I've read about you. About your dad. I just want to say thats so fucked up that a dad can do that to his family, then two random kids. How are you feeling?" I can't help myself from smiling at how nice he is. He has jet black hair that parts down the middle and it just flows so perfectly, it's amazing.

"I'm okay. I was shaken up but I move past things pretty quickly. How come I've never seen you?" I continue to yell. "I am mostly home schooled because I do baseball and travel a lot. I only go to school two, three times a week. But I was there with the whole Vance thing. Surprised you guys are dating now." I pause for a second but continue walking. "Oh, um, we're not a thing, we'e just kissed a few times." He chuckles. "One thing you should know about Vance is he doesn't do dating. He just uses girls, so be careful." I felt awkward after he said that but then he follows up.

"I have two sisters. My older sister went on dates with him, talked to him, told him everything. When they were finally alone though, because I had baseball, he tried to use her for sex. When she denied him, he told everyone she did anyway. Ruined her, she went to live with my aunt and uncle is Texas a few weeks after it happened. I try and warn some girls about him, listen to me or don't, just be careful." I nod, still feeling awkward.

"What was her name?" I want to know more, even though it's a weird thing to want. "Julie. Julie Yamada." I nod. We finally make it outside, Billy still on the keg. "31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37!" Voices count. "It was nice meeting you Bruce, let me know when you have a game so I can go." I smile at him. "No problem, Nice to meet you to JJ." He gives a soft wave and goes back inside.

I start to count with the rest of the crowd. "48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55!" Billy put more weight to lower his legs, letting people know hes done. He spits out into the air. "THATS HOW YOU DO IT DENVER! THATS HOW YOU DO IT!" I laugh. People go around him and pat him on the back, hand him more drinks, give him a cigarette. 

I walk up to him. "Hey B!" I stand right in front of him. "Hey. When did you get here?" His words are slightly slurred. "Just know. I seen you out the window and came to cheer you on." I yell over all the other people. "They have another game. Wanna see if you can beat me?" I nod. "Your on!"

"Hey Ian! Me and JJ are gonna play  Chair!" He shout to a guys. "Alright! Come over!" We walk over and see two tall stoles, and a bunch of cups. The Ian guy grabs a mic and calls everyone around. 

"HEY! HEY! HEY! WHO'S READY TO WATCH A GAME OF CHAIRS?!" The crowd cheers. "Alright! On my right, I have Billy Jackson!" They crowd cheers louder than before. "On my left, I have." He pauses. "Whats your name?" He whisper to me. "JJ Jackson." He nods. "We have JJ Jackson. I'm guessing thats your sister Billy?" Billy nods. "Alright! Tension is in the air. Sister against Brother. Who will win?!" The crowd cheers crazy loud.

"The rules are simple. You stand on one foot and drink until the other person puts their foot down, or falls. Easy peasy. JJ since you have heels on, you can take them off, everything else is the same."

I nod, slipping my shoes off. Some older girl comes out of the crowed and helps me up. "Thanks." She smiles. Once I'm up, I watch Billy climb up. "Alright. We have rum and coke for your first drink. Once its in your hand, pick your foot up." I move my dress to make sure it's not under my feet.

Some other guys hand me and Billy our drinks at the same time, to where we raise out foot. "Alright. Chug in 3, 2, 1!" I take the drink to my lips and start slow. Better safe the sorry when you play with Billy. The last little bit I finish off.

Billy was already done with his. "We are going to do another rum and coke." I keep my leg up, so does Billy. The boys hand us our drinks, this time I chug like my life depends on it. I finishes just before Billy which made the crowd oh and ah.

"Now, we will be doing two shots of Vodka." The boys hand us our two shots. I knock them back in ease. Billy too. "Now were doing whiskey." My stomach starts to turn. That shit burns bad. I get my drink and take a deep breath, and start to chug.

Once done, I make a face and a small gagging sound, which makes Billy smirk. "Time for a Vodka tonic." I smile. Easy. We get our drinks, Billy smells it which makes him make a face. Billy loves anything but Vodka tonics. I chug my drink with ease. The crowd cheers. Billy finishes his drink, gagging a little as well. 

"Now for some light weight stuff. Shot gun a beer!" We get our beer. Billy pulls out his keys to poke a hole. I scoff. I use my thumb to poke the hole. I then tip it back and open the can. Chugging it.

I watch Billy, who got the hole open, but stopped to watch me. Once I finish and whip my mouth. I look at my thumb and see its bleeding a little. I lick the blood away. Billy quickly finishes his drink. "Guess the Jackson's have dank a lot. Now we're doing a suicide drink. Vodka, tequila, rum, and whiskey. Mix 'em up boys!" The boys start to pour all the drinks they have into a cup. "Lets see how long they last after this." 

We get our drinks and I take a deep breath, so does Billy. I raise my drink, as if saying cheers. Billy does it back and we knock it back. We finish it. We both make a face. "Fucking gross." Billy says to me. "Oh yeah." I look at the cup then throw it on the ground.

"DAMN! These Jackson's am I right?" The crowd cheers. My vision is blurry, my balance starts to fail. I wobble a bit. "Our first wobble from JJ! Will she continue to play, or will she fall?" I take some deep breaths. In. Hold. Out. I open my eyes and sill, my vision is still blurry, but my balance is back. 

They hand us 2 more shots. I knock them back as fast as Billy does. I see him start to lose his balance. "Uh oh! Billy is starting to lose his balance! Will he stay, or will he go?" The crowd starts to whisper and mumble on who will win.

He gains his balance back slightly. "Rum and coke next." They hand us our drinks and we chug. "JJ, whats your least favorite drink?" Ian hold the mic to my mouth. "Whis-key." I slur. "Someones buzzed. How about you Billy?" He shakes his head slightly. "Vodka," he pauses, "Tonic." His breath is short, his words slurring. "Alright, you heard them, hand JJ, whiskey, Billy, vodka tonic."

We get our drinks. Me and Billy make a face. "Here goes nothing." I whisper to myself. I chug and chug and chug until its all gone. I gag while throwing the cup down. I start to cough. I start to wobble again. Billy does the exact same. We stand there for a few minutes before Billy puts his foot down. The crowd screams and cheers. I put my foot down. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. JJ JACKSON!" The same girl who helped me up, helps me down.

I smile at her again. I put my shoes on and go to Billy. He is whipping he face. "Nice job." I hug him, he hugs back. "I really thought you were gonna fall." I laugh. "I did too." I take some more deep breaths before pulling away from him. "Welp. Congrats, but I still beat you at the keg every time." I nod because its true. I wave and walk back inside.

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