{Part 6.5}

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Monday: October 24, 1988

 Once we made it to my house, I start to climb the bricks that were slightly sticking out of the house. I push the window, trying to get it to open. Yes! The window opens. I get it open just enough to slide inside. I place my hands on the floor and slide my legs inside. 

I see my bag on the floor, next to my bed. I stand up and walk over to it. I pick it up and make sure that everything was inside. I walk over to my window and look down. I show my bag to Gen, signaling to catch it. I toss it down to her. Once I see her catch it, I turn around and stick my feet out, then I get far enough out to start climbing down. Once I make down, she hands me my bag. "Alright let's go." I say. 

It takes about a 15-minute walk to get to school. Once we get there the doors open. "Just in time." Gen giggles. "Tell me about it. You look so good with mascara." I smile at her. We walk over to my locker. "Did we have homework for health class yesterday?" I ask, grabbing my chemistry book. "I don't think so. We might of. I sleep through that whole class." I groan. "So do I." She laughs. "Welp then were both fucked-" Her eyes drift behind me. "What's up?" She looks back at me and nods her head, telling me to turn around.

I turn around and see Vance. "Hey." I give him a small smile. "Hi. Your brother stopped me on the way to school and threatened me again." I scoff. "Why?"    "Because we were hanging out." I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry. I talk to his fucking ass again today after school. Sorry again."    "Thanks. See you around JJ." He gives me a soft smile, then walks away. I'm sick of my brother doing this bullshit." I groan, closing my locker. Then we start walking to Gens.

"You know what. I think Vance got a crush on you." I laugh. "No way. We hung out for 3 or 4 hours yesterday. I don't think you can catch feelings that quick." She gives me the 'okay, whatever' look. "Don't give me that look."   "WHAT," she places her hand on her chest in offence, "I did not give you no such look." I laugh.

Once she has her books we walk to Chemistry. I sit down in my seats and Gen sits in hers. The bell rings shortly after. Just then Vance walks in. "Hello there Mr. Hopper." Mr. James said. Gen turns around, giving me a confused look. I shrug my shoulders. "Go sit in the seat next to Miss. Jackson." He points to the seat next to me. Vance walks over to my seat, dropping a note before going to his seat. I grab the note and then open it. "Before you ask, the other Chemistry got sick of me and got me removed from her class." I chuckle.

"Since we have an extra student. We'll have a group of 3 for this project. Robin and Finny. Donna and Frankie, Gen, JJ, and Vance will be the group of three," How convenient, " Kelly and Jessica, and Ian and Jean. Come get the materials and see you tomorrow." I walk over to Gen. "We'll I'm not going home for a few days, as you know so it's either yours or Vance's."    "Who said I was helping?" I look at Vance. "I did. So, who's house?" Vance rolls his eyes at me. I look at Gens face, she's so scared of Vance. I give her a look, telling her to relax. "Not mine." Vance says blankly. "Gen? Your house alright?" She looks at Vance, then me. "Oh, um, yeah that's fine with me."    "Ok but remember we gotta stop at my house."    "Why?" Vance asks. "Because my dad's staying longer, and I don't wanna be home." Gen looks at me confused. "I thought your dad was in Miami." Shit. I forgot. I didn't tell her. "Long story. I'll tell you at your house." She nods. I walk to the front of the class and grab the materials and shove them behind my books. "See y'all later." I wave and walk to my locker.


I walk to my gym locker, throwing my bag in it and grabbing my gym clothes. Once I changed, I walk out and wait for instructions.      The bell rings and then the gym teacher walks in. "Grab the same partner you had last week. JJ come here really quick."   "Yeah?"   "Relax I just need you for a demonstration." I nod. "Alright. Vance I'm guessing I have your partner," Vance nods. "Well, you'll get her in a second. Ok. You won't be passing back in forth, you'll practice dribbling. JJ, can you show them?"    "Like the normal way? Or my way?" The teacher looks confused. "Show us both." I first kick the ball to the one end of the gym. Once I make it to the end, I start kicking the ball back and forth between my feet from one end of the gym to the other.

Once I make it to the other end, I stop to get in position to dribble the ball my way. I start normal, but then I increase and then kick it behind my other leg. Then I kick it and launch it back in front of me. Then I turn around and start dribbling it backwards till I make it to the other side. "Wow JJ. Impressive." He starts clapping. I smile slightly. "Ok. every, form a line NEXT to her. Not BEHIND her. NEXT to her." everyone then started lining up next to me. 

"Alright. Have your partner line up behind you." Everyone follows instructions. "Ok JJ. How do you dribble." I look around and see everyone looking at me. I clear my throat. "You kick the ball at a slow pace, and alternate it between each foot, keeping it in front of you."   "Very good but were not walking it. We're jogging it. So, JJ, since we're jogging, what do we do?" I sigh. "You kick the ball harder and again do the same thing. Keep the ball in front of you by using your feet."   "Nicely done. Once you make it to the other end and back, give it to your partner. Ok? Alright, begin." He blows his whistle, telling everyone to start. 

I go from one end to the gym back again fairly quick. Vance takes a while. He kept kicking it way out of reach. But once he finally made it back, I gave him some points. "Don't make the ball faster than you. You need to be faster than the ball, because when you alternate the ball, you're pushing it, which is making it go faster, and all you need is a little tap, you're not trying to make a goal. Ok?" He nods, and then I go.     We do that for the rest of class. "Go change. See y'all tomorrow." Once I finished changing, I walk out and see Gen waiting for me and Vance. "Hey." We both hug. Shortly after that Vance walks out. "Alright let's go sneak into my own house." 

Once we make it to my house, I set my bag on the floor and climb up the wall again. "How is she climbing the wall?" I hear Vance ask. "Some bricks are sticking out, so it kind of makes a latter."   "Oh." I left the window open a little bit, so it makes it easier to open it. I climb inside and grab the duffle bag that's under my bed. I grab outfits that will be enough for a week. If dad stays longer, I can just wear Gens clothes or wash these. I grab a few more things. I close the bag and throw it outside. I open one of my different drawers and lift up some clothes. I then grab my full carton of cigarettes and then close the drawer back up. I slide them in my packet, then slide out the window.

A/n: AHHH! Sorry I made this chapter so long. I didn't mean to. The next one won't be as long. I swear.

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