{Part 8.5}

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Thursday: October 27, 1988

"I can't go back to class." I turn and look at Vance. "Why not?"    "Because Mark probably snitched." I scoff. "Okay. Then leave." I let go of his hand. "Really?" He says with a questioning tone. "Yeah. You still need to come to Gen House to finish the project. Today is the last day to work on it." He nods. "Alright. See you." He turns and starts to walk away. "Bye." I then start walking to class.

I walk into class, even though there are only 20 minutes left. I looked around to see if Gen was back. Nope. "Do you have a pass?" I snap my head around to look at my teacher. "Yeah." I walk to him, taking the pass out of my pocket. "Alright. Take your seat." I nod and walk over to my seat.

I place my head on the desk, then look back up, looking around to where Vance and Gen would be—just empty desks. I sighed but placed my head back down. I was drifting off to sleep for the last bit of class. 

I jump awake as I hear the bell ring. I grab my stuff and then start walking towards the door. I walk out of class, heading for Gen's locker instead of mine. I see her opening her locker, her face all glum and grey. "Hey, Genny." I smile at her, trying to lighten her mood. "Oh. Hi." I was taken aback. She's never been so quiet. "What's wrong? If it's about Mark I'm sorry, I can talk to Vance for you." She looks at me, her baby blue eyes, so soft and dull. "No, it's alright. I'll talk to him myself. " She lets out a small laugh. "Alrighty. Now cheer up, no being sad we have to finish the project then go buy costumes, find a party to go to, and celebrate my birthday. 4 more days." I let out a "Dracula" laugh. She laughs also. She closes her locker and then we both start walking to History, already back in her sunshine mood.


After school got out I waited for Gen. Vance was either at Grab 'n Go or Gens's house. Once I saw her walk out of the school, I go up to her. "Alright. Costume ideas, go." I point at her with finger guns. She laughs. "Um, I think-" There's a loud honking sound after her. We look over and see Billy in the car. I groan. "One second Gen."      "Nope. I'm coming with you."   "Please don't. If he's here, that means something happened with Dad and it's not pretty."  She stops, then starts walking again, "I don't care. I want to be there for you." I smile.

I walk over to Billy's side of the car. "What's up dipshit?" He looks at me. "You never wear sunglasses. Why are you- What did he do." He takes off the sunglasses. "This." He has stitches under his left eye, and his right is all bruised. "Oh my god." I pull his door open and cup his face in my hands, looking at him closely. "What did he use? Why? Is mom okay? Are you okay? Well, I mean obviously not but what the fuck?"

"JJ stop. I need you to come home. Even your friend can come." I look at Gen. I stand up and close Billy's door. "You don't have to."    "I want to." She stares me down, letting me know she's not leaving. "Ok. It won't be nice." She nods. "Let's go." I open the door, pulling the seat forward so she can get in. 

Once she's in, I push the seat back and sit down. "Can I drive?" Billy gives me the most foul look. "The fuck did you say? Absolutely not."   "You can barely see, You're 18 which means you're an adult and I have my learner's permit. Let me drive." He stares at me but then gets out. My eyes widen. I look back at Gen who's smiling at me. I crawl over and sit down. "If you crash my fucking car JJ I swear."  "I know I know. You'll kill me. I won't crash the car."

I turn the key in the ignition and head into reverse. I look in the mirrors and see that I wont end up hitting anything. I am an asshole though so I back up and almost hit a car. "Nope. Get the fuck out your fucking done. Never driving my car again." Billy starts to unbuckle. "Relax it was a joke, I wasn't actually going to crash your car." I laugh, but then go into drive and start heading home.


Once I park in the driveway, my grip on the searing wheel tightens. "Gen. Are you sure you want to come? It will most likely get really fucking ugly." I look at her through the review mirror. "Yeah. I'm sure." I nod. "Then lets go."

I walk into the house and see it trashed. Beer bottles, cans, and boxes everywhere. Garbage everywhere. There's also this stench, so foul. I gag and cover my nose and mouth with my shirt. I walk around, looking for mom or dad. "Mom? Dad?" No answer.

I then hear a groan from the couch. "Shut the fuck up Jessie." I scoff at the sound of my dads voice.  "We need to talk." He sits up. When he looks at me he looks dead practically. "About?" I scoff. How could he not know. "What you did to Billy?" 

a/n: Guys I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while, I just haven't had motivation, but I'll start posting a bit more now, hopefully.

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