{Part 10}

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Friday: October 28, 1988

I awoke to the sound of Billy, Gen, and Vance all talking. "Hey." My voice was all raspy and dry, which is normally how it is in the morning. "Hey, sleepy head." Billy stood up and hugged me. "How did you sleep?" I shrug. "Pretty good." He nods.

"Alright, well now that sleeping beauty is awake, we'll eat and then the boys need to leave so us girls can go out and get costumes." Gen plasters a smile on her face.

"Wow. I didn't know you did that anymore JJ." I glare at him, he knew I did. "I buy costumes, then go to parties and get shit-faced. You should know, I call you every year." He chuckles. "I'm fucking with ya."  "I know." I roll my eyes. "Geez, you are no fun when you wake up." I roll my eyes again. 

"Let's go. Me and Gen have a busy day- SHIT! OUR PROJECT, IT'S TODAY!" Me and Vance look at her, confused. "It was Thursday yesterday, now it's Friday. Billy take us to school now." I shoot up and grab a sweater and sweats and throw them over my pajamas. Then I throw on my shoes, grab my bag, and rush down the stairs after Gen.

Vance and Billy follow behind shortly after. We all rush outside and get in the car. I pulled the seat up so they could get in, then pushed it back for me to get in. I took out what I had of the project and gave it to Gen, who had the rest. She glues it together, adds some finishing touches, then sets it aside. 

"We have no idea if this even works, we didn't test it Thursday," Gen says. "Well, it better." Vance says. Billy was practically flying through the street. "This is the last time I take you guys to school." Billy scoffs.

after 5 minutes, thanks to Billy's driving, we ran inside the school and into our class. We all stopped to catch our breath. "So sorry we're late," I said in between breaths. "All on you sit down now! You don't get to disrupt my class. Your project will be presented last. Now sit." We walk to our seats. "Carry on Donna and Frankie."

"JJ." I look over to Vance. "What." We're in a whisper, loud enough for each other to hear, but no one else. "What are you going as for Halloween?" I shrug. I didn't think of it. "Maybe Medusa. I'm not sure though, I haven't thought about it." He nods. "Why? You dressing up?" He scoffs. "Fuck not, I was just wondering." I give him a look but shrug it off.


"Thank you, Donna and Frankie. Lucky for you three," he points to Gen, Vance, and me, "That was the last group so come on up." He rolls out the Volcano that Gen had made late on Wednesday. Gen was nervous and Vance had never participaited so I went ahead and started. "The project required a few simple materials, including a lemon, baking soda, dish soap, and food coloring." I look at Gen who was less nervous, and ready to start her part (Which was supposed to be mine.) 

"To start the project, I'll cut off the top of the lemon and scooped out the inside. I then added a few drops of food coloring to the lemon juice and mixed in some baking soda. Next, I added a few drops of dish soap to the mixture, which helped create the foamy eruption." Once everything was mixed together, Vance poured the mixture into the hollowed-out lemon and waited for the reaction. As soon as he added the baking soda, the mixture started to foam and fizz. The foam continued to rise out of the lemon, creating a miniature volcano. 

"The lemon juice and baking soda combination created a chemical reaction, which released carbon dioxide gas and caused the eruption. The dish soap helped create even more foam, which made the eruption look even more impressive." I finish. "It also shows more about it on our poster, which also had some facts about the whole project." Gen adds.

Our teacher started to clap. "Very, very impressive. Nicely done. Now class, any more questions?" No one raised their hand or spoke. "All right, the rest of class is yours." 

"JJ. What I think you should be is either Frenchy from Grease, of course, or Nancy Thompson from Nightmare on Elm Street. What do you think?" She rests her head in her hands. "I was actually thinking Madusa. I've always liked Greek mathology." She nods. "I could see it. You'll be the most sexy Madusa ever." She gives me a grin that lets me know, that I defitally will be sexy.

A/n: OMG GUYS its my first short chapter, still a bit long but defitally not as long as my other ones. But don't worry, the next ones with of course be long 😉

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