{Part 8}

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Thursday: October 27, 1988

"JJ come on. We need to get ready." I groan. I roll over and look at her. "What do you mean? Isn't it Saturday?"    "No. It's Thursday, your two days ahead. Now get up." I sigh. I roll out of her bed and walk into the bathroom. I splash water into my face, trying to wake up. "JJ LETS GO! YOU SLEPT THROUGH BREAKFAST! BRUSH YOUR TEETH AND GET CHANGED AND LET'S GO!" I drop my head. Great. I grab the toothbrush and just start brushing. My eyes feel heavy, my legs weak. I finish up and little faster than normal. 

I rinse my mouth out, and then walk back to the bedroom. I see Gen at her vanity, finishing up her makeup. I grab my clothes and start to undress. "Wait. Let me do your blush and mascara again." I scoff but walk over to her and sit on my knees.     After a few seconds I walk back to my bag and then finish undressing. I then put my clothes on. I look in her mirror before I grab her brush and start brushing my hair. I leave it down and then put my shoes on.

(Ignore all the '90s type things, this is cute, and I liked it

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(Ignore all the '90s type things, this is cute, and I liked it.)

"Cute. Let's go." Gen lops my arm in hers. Once we get downstairs, she walks away, giving her mom a hug bye. "Bye mama. Vance will probably be over again to finish the project. Cya." She walks back over to me, re-loops her arm, then we walk outside together.

After about 10 minutes, my teeth start to chatter. I am so not used to this weather. I wrap my arm around me to try and warm me up. "How are you cold?" I look at Gen, she looks so warm, she's not even bothered by the weather. "I used to live in Florida remember. It would probably be 70 plus degrees out. Instead, it's like 50 or below." She laughs at me. "You'll get used to it eventually." Yeah, sure. 

10 minutes later we finally make it to the school. I run inside and start rubbing myself to warm up. "It's not that cold." Gen laughs at me. "Uh, yeah the fuck it is." She rolls her eyes and scoffs. We walk to my locker and grab all my books. "My turn." She says.

As we start walking to her locker, we see a big huddle. We both look at each other in confusion. We walk a little faster to see what's going on. Once I make it to the circle, people start to move out of the way, making a walkway for me to get through. 

Once I'm in the front I see Vance and some kid that looks so familiar. "MARK!" Oh shit! It's Mark, and Vance is kicking his ass. "I TOLD YOU TO STOP TOUCHING MY FUCKING SHIT!" Vance yells, lading punch after punch. "I-I-I didn't. I already told you." Mark says in between gasps. "BULLSHIT. I SAW YOU!" Vance drops him, and he its the floor with a loud thud. "MARK!" Gen yells again. This time she runs over to him. 

I look at Mark, then Gen, then Vance. His fists are all bloody, Marks face is all bruised and bloody as well. Gens hands start to get some blood on then as she touches marks face. I stand there, looking back and forth between all of them. Mark, Gen, Vance. Mark, Gen, Vance. Mark, Gen, Vance. Mark, Gen, Vance.

"JJ? JJ? Are you going to help me?" I snap out of my trance, looking at Gen. "What?" She gives me a look. "We need to get him to the nurse. Help me." I slowly walk over to her, but my eyes are locked on Vance, as his are locked on mine. His blue eyes make it seem like time stops, like it's just me and him. He looks so angry, but so calm. 

I break the eye contact when I bend down to help Mark up. "Let's go." I start walking with Gen, holding Mark up. I look over Marks arm to Vance. He stands there for a few more seconds before he walks away before teachers come.

We make it to the nurse's office. Gen knocks. "Yes- Oh! Come on in!" She rushes us inside. "Set him there." She points to the bed that they have in doctor's office. "What happened?" She grabs her first aid kit. "Um-" "He got into a fight with some kid. I don't know who." I look at Gen, she looks at me. "Ok. He should be okay. He will obviously have some cuts and bruises by nothing to major. Head to class and I'll take care of him."

I look at Gen. "Is it ok if I stay? I just want to make sure she's okay." Gen asks. "Yeah, I guess. Not for long though. Ok?" Gen nods. I walk over to her and hug her. "He'll be okay, I promise." I give her a smile. "Here is a pass so you won't be marked tardy." I take the yellow slip the nurse hands me. "Thanks. Bye Gen." Gen waves at me before I walk out.

I walk out of the nurse's office. I look at the window in the door one last time before I walk away. Gen looks worried. I sigh as I turn to walk to class. I walk down the long hallway to get to my class. "Fuck." I just as I hear something come from the boy's bathroom. "Hello?" Stupid. Thats what everyone says before they die in horror movies. "Fuck off." Sounds familiar. "Vance?" I then see his head poke out of the bathroom. 

He jogs out of the bathroom. He then grabs my wrist and drags me inside. "What the fuck?" Vance lets go and looks outside the bathroom. "What are you going?" I look at him, confused. "Me? You're the one hiding out in the bathroom." I whisper-yell. "Yeah. So I don't get fucking caught." I roll my eyes.

"Come here." Vance gives me a weird look. "Why?" I stare at him. "So I can help you with your hands. Dumbass."    "No. I got it myself." I look at his hands. His hands are still bleeding. "Oh yeah. Sure, you do." He scoffs but walks towards me, holding his hands out. I walk him over to the sink. I turn it on and place his hands under. He winces. I start to take mt thumb and rub his knuckles. "Stop rubbing so damn hard." I look at him with a weird look. "Not like that you fucking weirdo." I laugh.

Once his hands are clean and not bleeding as much. I walk and grab some paper towel. I walk back to Vance, whose hands are still under the water. I turn it off and start patting his hands with the paper towel. Once I finish that I then grab new paper towel and push and hold on his knuckles. "OW! FUCK!"    "Shhh." I place my finger on his lips to keep him quiet. I take the paper towel off. "There. Now you won't bleed all over the place." I give him a soft smile, "Now let's go." I grab his hand and drag him out of the bathroom.

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