{Part 12.5}

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Saturday, October 29, 1988.

"Let's go." Gen says after all our shoes are on. Me and Vance start walking out of her room, when she grabs a back under her bed. "What's that?" I ask. "I'll tell you when we get outside." She whispers. I give her a confused look but just head downstairs.

I don't see any of Gens parents. "MAMA WE'RE HEADING OUT! SEE YOU LATER!" She shouts. Then we all walk out the door. I look over and see Vance wearing jeans a white tank, and the high school jacket. Gen is wearing overalls and a tight long sleeve shirt that hugs her curves in all the right ways.

"You gonna tell me whats in the bag now?" I ask after we're about 2-3 houses down. "Some things." She grins. "Like?" She grins harder. "Some drinks." I scoff. "You were never gonna tell me were you?" I ask. "Nope." I scoff and shake my head but keep walking.


After walking for about an hour and a half, we make it to this abandon junk yard place. "Come on." Vance climbs up some barrels and dumpsters. Once he makes it up the wall, he pulls the bard wire up so me and Gen can get through. Gen climbs up first and through the whole Vance made for us. Then I climb up. "Don't your hands hurt?" I ask as I climb up. "Yeah but anything for Cinderella." He smiles, I scoff. "Thanks Prince Charming." I place a kiss on his lips.

Once I climb through, I hold the other end open for Vance to get in. I wince as one of the longer pieces go through my hand. "I got it." He says. "I know." I say, still holding the wire. He scoffs but climbs through. Once hes in and his hair isn't in the way, I let go of the wire at look at my hands. A small hole in my hands, causing it to bleed. I place it up to my mouth and like the blood away. 

"COME ON LOVE BIRDS!." Gen shouts from one of the cars. Me and Vance laugh but jump down and walk to her. "Can I finally figure out why I'm here! Or what is even in the bag?" I ask, looking around. Gen smiles, but doesn't answer. "Are you guys gonna murder me?" That makes them both laugh. "No. There is just something we have to show you." 

I shake my head but sit on the hood of the car with Gen and Vance. Gen opens the bag and pulls out some vodka and other drinks and then kool-aid. She takes out red cups and hands on to each of us. "Genny! I didn't take you for a drinker." I say, holding my cup out to her to fill up. 

She pours the kool-aid and then some vodka. "Please. I'm not an alcoholic but I do drink." She pours the same with Vance and her. "So we brought you hear because this is where the after party goes." I look around. "Weird place for an after party."    "After everyone is shit faced and gets passed the wall the city put up, we all run around and play kid games, while drunk. Like capture the flag, hide and seek, tag, it's a whole lot of fun." Vance says. "And me and Vance have lived here our whole lives so we're gonna get buzzed, not drunk, and then we'll give you a little preview before the real thing."

"Okay. Just so you guys know, I'm an absolute pro at hide and seek and tag." They laugh. "Maybe with 5 or so people, but when their is a whole party. Your fucked. The rules are also simple. The first ten or twenty people, have to take shots of straight liquor. The last one found gets 20 bucks from the first one found." I nod. "How do we determine who seeks first?"

"We do a spin the bottle. Who ever it lands on is the seeker, but I'll seek first. You and Vance hide. Also we have to count to 300 which is 5 minutes. Before you guys hide though. Chug 3 of these." Gen holds up her drink and starts chugging. Me and Vance hit our cups together and chug. 

The vodka must have been really good because it tasted like almost like nothing. There was a little spicy taste, but other than that, it was like chugging kool-aid. Gen finished first, then Vance, then me right after him. We do the same thing 2 more times, which wasn't enough but oh well.

"All right. Go hide. You got 5 minutes." Gen goes inside the car that has the words SEEKER in bright red letters with a black background so the seeker can't see. She then starts counting. I turn and run into the maze of broken cars. I start to climb on top one of the cars to see where to hide. I look to the right and see this car that is so flat that no one could get in. Well, maybe not that flat but I still go to it.

I jump down and run over to it. The door was off due to getting crushed. I look inside, seeing if there is anything that will cut me. There are pieces of class so I take my sweater off and brush it away. I then crawl inside. I look around some more and see that the seat in the back is missing. So I crawl over there, and slide down. I use my sweater to push things aside without cutting myself. It was a very tight squeeze but I made it back. The car was on the ground, so I lay down and slide under the trunk. Then I wait.


It's been about a half hour of me just laying there. I heard foot steps running around, Gen talking to herself, but no one has found me yet. I'm about to peek up and see if I can see Gen when I hear Gen and Vance call for me. "JJ! COME OUT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE!" Vance shouts, maybe a row or two away. "JJ! COME ON!" Gen shouts, this time she's right outside. I can see her shoes. I stay still. "JJ COME OUT!"         "OH JJ! WHERE ARE YOU?"        "CHCHCH, HAHAHA!" I laugh a little as Vance tries to do the sound from Friday the 13th.

"Did you hear that?" I hear Gen ask, about two cars away. "No."      "Ugh. Your no help." I look over and see Vance's boots right in front of the car I'm hiding under. I look up a little and see Vance looking inside. He looks to his right and squints. I can't move, can't move and try and hide my hair, or my sweater. "Where is she hiding?" Vance says to himself. He takes his head out and I let out a sigh of relief. Just after I go that, he looks back inside and looks over right at me. "Holy shit." He scoffs. "How did you get under there?" I sigh. I slide out from under the trunk area and climb out.

"Not bad for your first time playing, but Gen says she wants you guys to head home." Vance says as he helps me out. "Did she say why?" He shrugs and shakes his head. "Alright then. What did you have to do since you lost?" I ask, walking back to the car Gens at. "Had to chug 3 more drinks. GEN! FOUND HER!" "Shh." I say, pushing him against one of the cars.

I tangle my hands in his hair and start to kiss him. Just as I do he turns me around and picks me up and puts me down on the hood of the car. He has one hand on my thigh, the other on my waist. I pull him even closer, letting him in. We keep kissing, touching, feeling each others every curve, every flaw.

We do that for a few minutes till I hop down, grab his hand, and start walking back to Gen. Once we see Gen drinking another drink, we walk a bit faster. "That's enough Genny. We're gonna get shit faced at the party." I take the cup and down the rest of the drink. "Whatever. While you two were swapping spit, I needed a drink." I scoff, but help her pack up the drinks and cups.


Once we are finally 10 minutes away from Gens house, we walk Vance to his house, then to Grab 'N Go to grab a few things. We walk in and go to the drinks. Gen opens her bag. "I'm like best friends with the lady at the front so I'll distract her while you grab some alcohol." I nod and wait for her and the clerk to start talking. Gen is standing to where she wont see the fridge door open.

I grab 2 bottles of Vodka, 1 Tequila bottle, and a few pack of beers. I wrap them all in a towel so they won't make any clinking noise. I grab a candy bar and some gum and walk up to the counter. "Hey Genny. I got you some gum." I set the stuff on the counter. "Thanks JJ. This is Mrs. Madison." I give her a soft smile, as because last time I was here for more than 15 minutes, I got dragged out by police.

"It's on the house." Mrs. Madison says. "Oh we have money, we can pay." I say, but she shakes her head. "Any friend of Genny's is a friend of mine, even if they cause trouble in here." She gives me a stern look. "Yeah, um, sorry about that." I scratch my arm. She nods, hands Gen the bag and we walk out.

Once were on her block, she finally asks me what I got. "Vodka, Tequila, and some beer." She nods. The rest of the walk was quiet, as it only took 2 minutes to walk the rest of the way. We walked to her room, hid the bag, went down stairs to eat dinner, then went to get ready.

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