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Everything felt weird the few days after Lorenzo had left. The house was quiet, which usually was filled with the noise of him playing games or yelling at the tv because Liverpool had lost a point against another team. I wasn't very used to the silence, so I constantly blasted music in the house to take my mind off it.

I sat at the kitchen counter, doing some work and applying for some jobs. I had realized too late that buying the bike for Enzo had set me far back and I needed to earn more if I wanted to keep living in the house.

I was vibing to Ex Factor by Lauryn Hill when my phone rang. Picking it up, a smile grew on my face, answering the call, I jumped on the sofa.

"Davina! There's my favorite person, how've you been?

"Hey starboy, I've been good, you?"

"Good good, doesn't matter, are you free anytime soon, I wanna see my best frienndd,"he says, dragging out the end, making me laugh.

"Sure, I'll let you know."

"Alright, bye bestie," he says as he smooches into the speaker.

"Bye Kayo."

Me and Bukayo have been best friends for a while, ever since I moved to the UK when I was 10. He was my neighbour for a while, until I had to move away after my mums death when I was 13, leaving him behind and not being able to talk to him for years, until only recently, we got back in touch and it's been amazing since. He's very fond of Lorenzo as well and took care of him whenever I'd have too many things on my hands, having to balance a job as well as my GCSE's and I'm very grateful to have him there to help.

As I was about to close my laptop after hours of working, I received an email from what seemed to be a job offer. Excited, I opened it and soon my jaw dropped reading the message.


Dear miss Vásquez,

We received your job application to be our new physiotherapist here at the Real Madrid football club and after looking through your CV and your previous employments, we would like to accept your application and offer you a spot here in Madrid.

We will be in touch with you in the following days to take care of any other minor details and we look forward to working with you in the near future.

Real Madrid


"Oh my God! Oh my God, what the fuck! Holy shit!" I screamed, jumping up and down on my couch, probably causing an earthquake. My hands were shaking and I was punching my pillows out of pure joy.

I had applied to the job but didn't think of actually being accepted. It had been a long shot but Lorenzo and Bukayo had persuaded me to do it and I got it! I was beyond happy and couldn't wait till the end of Enzo's training to tell him the news.

I'm going to live in Spain, I thought, already excited. But then, looking at my house, which was a mess. "Oh shit I need to pack."

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