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However much I adored my little brother, he was too much of a morning person. This morning in particular, I woke up to him jumping on my bed like a child.

"Come on Davina, it's my first day!" he yelled, jumping off the bedand opening the curtains as well as the window, letting in too luch light and warm air.

I quickly covered my eyes and squinted them shut, suddenly feeling Enzo jump back on the bed. This time, his elbow connected with my stomach and I groaned in respone, ready to get my revenge.

I threw the blanket off my body and was already chasing him as he went down the hallway towards the kitchen. I had almost caught up to him too, but then I slipped on a shirt and fell, my back colliding with the floor. Groaning in pain, I stood up, regaining myself, deciding it wasn't worth it to fight Lorenzo and to just let him have an easy and calm first day on the pitch. Though it wouldn't be his first day back on the field.

Last night, during Lorenzo's special dinner, the manager had talked to me about my living situation and considering how Lorenzo will move to Madrid, he asked my if I was willing to stay here too. At first, I was hesitant, but I'd glanced over at Lorenzo talking with others, a huge grin on his face. I figured I couldn't leave him again and would do anything to be with him for as long as possible. And considering the offer of being their physiotherapist was still on the table, I thought about accepting it. Though after a few wine glasses, it wasn't such a difficult decision.

So, today was my first day back at Real Madrid, this time with a bigger salary and more confidence. Though the Jude situation would still be in progress, I thought about ignoring it for now and hoping for the best.

We grabbed our bikes, strapping our bags tightly and sped off, practically racing to the stadium. As we got there, I wasn't surprised to see reporters and paparazzi at the front. It was Lorenzo's first day and we were aware that some media people would watch the first training.

I glanced at Enzo and caught his nervous look. I felt abd for him, but knew he wouldn't have any problem dealing with the new environment. As we went through, security kept them away from us as we parked our bikes and rushed inside. 

"Holy shit, do they always do that?" Enzo asked one we were inside, trying to push the pressure away.

"You'll do great, Enzo, don't worry," I laughed, following him into the cafeteria, not expecting a surprise.

"Surprise!" Most of the team yelled, standing in the room decorated with balloons and a big banner.

I was immediately engulfed in a hug by the coach, and some of the players. 

"Thank you for taking the offer to come back. The team missed you immensly," the coach had said before moving on to Lorenzo, who was still overwhelmed by the paparazzi.

"Finally, you're back! You cannot believe what has happened while you were gone," Vini said, Aurélien by his side.

I couldn't help but glance around the room, not wanting to admit that I was looking for a specific person. Apparently I wasn't being subtle at all as Vini nudged my arm and pointed to the window facing the pitch. I walked over and glanced outside, seeing Jude along with a few people already training. I didn't blame him for not wanting to see me, but I felt a sting in my heart when I saw him burst into laughter with his teammates, as if nothing had happened.

Vini noticed my exression but thankfully stayed quiet, just joining the others on the way to the pitch to train, leaving me alone with a few balloons and excited to go back to my old office.

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