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Liked by judebellingham, ENZOVASQUEZ, bukayosaka87 and 365,445 others

VINAVASQUEZ my actual bf💫

ENZOVASQUEZ why does yours look cooler
-VINAVASQUEZ you're just shit

davinasimp OOP THE SHADDEE 🕶️👀

davinasimp thank God that guy was ugly as hell...
-davinasimp I've been here the whole time though ;)
-user66 bro I'm convinced this is Jude in disguise

I think forgiving Jude was the better idea. At least now, I had more people defending my position against Kai, who was calling me non-stop. He was even making new Instagram accounts just to dm me.


Davina please I'm sorry
It won't happen again I promise

She was better than you anyways
I hate you

Wait please baby I didn't mean that I was drunk



Fuck you bitch you were a terrible gf

Shit sorry I didn't mean that



That went on for a few days, until he finally gave up and deleted all of his accounts. Pussy.

Thought I wasn't sad about it, I was still pretty shocked and didn't expect him to actually cheat on me. One month wasted.

I also had to listen to Kayo talk about how this was the perfect opportunity to somehow 'reunite' with Jude because we were so-called soulmates. I once even fell asleep during his lecture, being woken up by and actual slap across the face. He really regretted that.

Another few days later, I got an email from Naomi and it took me a while to realize who it was.

She was the media manager for Real Madrid and I'd even done an interview with her when I was still there. Her and I got along great in the short time we knew each other so I was very excited to open the message.

Hi Davina

One of Madrids big games is coming up in two weeks and I was wondering since you have experience in the interviewing world and know some of the players personally, that you could come down here to interview some people and present the game.

Hope to hear back from you soon!


It didn't take me a lot of convincing to accept her request. I would happily go back to Spain, especially since I'd have to see less of Kai and more of a free plane ticket and a fancy hotel with good food and after checking in with my work schedule and any upcoming events, I wrote back to her, almost immediately getting a reply with the plane ticket ready to go.

It was sad to leave without Kayo because I wanted to take him with me but he had training and his own games, so the following week I was at the airport ready to go back to Madrid.

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