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Is this bitch serious? Give him a ride?

"I know what you're thinking. Is he serious why should I give him a ride," he defends. I'll give it to him, he's good at mind reading.

"I got lost. I went for a walk and ended up here. Wherever here is and my phone shut down, so..." He explains. "Please?"

Why not? My night couldn't get any worse and I used a good outfit for a shit day so might as well make the most of it.

"Fine," I say but he just stands there like an idiot.

"Are you Mary Poppins or something? Get on," I say, secretly smiling under my helmet. He laughs nervously before getting on the bike, clearly confused about where to put his hands.

"Fucking hell Bellingham put them on my waist," I groan, throwing my head forward, just wanting to get out of there. He hesitantly complies and I take off.

During the ride, I feel his grip tighten because I'm going faster than expected. Soon enough he was gripping with his whole strength, probably scared out of his mind.

I didn't even need to ask him directions as he was staying in his childhood home in Birmingham and I knew perfectly where it was, recollecting memories from when I used to drop Lorenzo off.

We race past all the cars, riding for a good twenty minutes, finally pulling up to the house.

I let him get off before taking of my helmet, needing a break from the heat. He turns to me, standing in front of the bike and I even consider running him over, but refrain from doing so as his mum is probably inside.

"Thank you Davina, really." He says nervously, looking anywhere but me.

"It's fine, as long as I don't need to do it again," I reply, putting my helmet back on, about to restart the engine.

"Wait," he stops me, putting his hand on mine, removing it quickly realized how weird it was.

"I know I've said this already but I really am sorry. For everything Ive ever done to you. I should've never lashed out, not even when we were younger. I was just a young idiot. Well, I still am an idiot and practically also kind of young but you get what I mean right?" I just sit there, hands still ready to start the bike up.

"I'm really sorry Vina, I mean Davina. Again, don't need you to forgive me, I just need you to know." He finishes, crossing his arms and waiting for a potential reply, breath held in.

I decide to play around with him for a bit. So I stayed quiet for a minute, then started up the bike, already noticing defeat in his eyes, smirking since he couldn't see me. And right before I took off.

"It's alright Jude, I forgive you."

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