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The next day, I woke up around noon with bags under my eyes from crying. I had watched a sad movie the night before and the incident at the restaurant didn't really help it. I stayed up too late and drank too much wine, so I'm especially fucked for tonight's party.

After a long and hot shower, I felt more relaxed and got some work done before getting ready for the party. The party started at nine and Naomi would come to my appartement to get ready together at six, so I was just finishing work when the doorbell rang.

She came in and we started on getting ready, drinking wine during the whole thing. We did some karaoke, ate a lot of food as we prepared to get drunk and did each others makeup as best we could before putting on each of our outfits.

"Come on, Davina, we don't want to be too late," Naomi yelled as it was five past six. Luckily the drive was only fifteen minutes and we were meeting Jude on the way as he and I were supposed to go together as a couple, while Naomi rode solo.

We got into the uber parked out front, ready to party when we stopped by Jude's house. Seeing him in the front, we called him over, getting him a seat next to me. The whole ride I didn't really talk to Jude much, mainly focused on Naomi's fantasies for tonight, occasionally hearing Jude chuckle beside me.

As we got to the event, many cars were already parked outside and paparazzi filled the street. Jude got out first, walking to the other side of the car, opening the door for Naomi and me, helping us out and linking his arms with mine, a smile on his face.

I played along and pretended to be happy, walking with them into the building, checking our invitation before going in.

The party was loud, but everyone was still just standing around, socializing, not drunk enough yet to dance around too much. The place was massive though and at least a few hundred people filled the entire room. As we were walking to the bar, Jude was stopped by a few others and Naomi wandered to dance as she'd already had too much to drink.

I got a drink from the bar and decided to be a bit more interesting and chose to talk to a few random people, spreading my name. After a while of doing that and getting bored of it, I got to the dance floor, swaying my hips and singing to the music, drink in hand.

I glanced around when I sensed eyes on me and spotted Jude a bit further, downing a drink before coming my way. I turned away on purpose and tried getting away from him but he suddenly stopped me, towering over me.

He winked before dancing with me. Honestly, there was enough alcohol in my system to forget what he'd done but it did take a few more shots to start dancing with him properly. when some time passed though, we started dancing better and he put his hands on my waist as I moved my hips.

He eventually turned me around, facing him and guided my arms around his neck. Something in me loved it, but another part remembered the incident and didn't like the idea, worried his intention was once again not from the right place. But I was too drunk to think about that.

We quickly started making out, while dancing and I didn't feel like I was in a crowd anymore. He was such a good kisser and I hated that I wanted more of it, without having to force it or without having to pretend in was real. I wanted it to be real but that was stupid and I pushed that thought out of my head, pulling away from him and told him I was going to get a drink, though my intention was just to leave and never come back.

I sat at the bar, rethinking my life's choices. I looked around the room and seeing everyone have fun and enjoy themselves made me even sadder. That didn't improve either when I spotted a certain ginger in the crowd, looking lost.

That was the first time I saw her properly. She had fair skin and her hair was wavy and long, running down to her lower back. It looked like she had light eyes and her figure stood out from the rest. Wearing a light blue dress paired with white heels, she stood at a good 5'6. 

I felt insecure looking at her. She seemed perfect, no wonder she would wait to date anyone. Looking like her, she must have really high standards. And she must have a high social status to be at this particular party too, making her even more perfect than I previously thought.

She then waved and I glanced to the left, seeing Jude run up to her, give her a small hug, his hands resting on her lower back as they walked to a quieter area of the room. I felt jealousy hang over my shoulders as I watched him, his eyes never leaving hers and a grin on his face, laughing at whatever she said. And how she was acting I didn't like either. She knew Jude wasn't single, well, to her knowledge at least. Unless Jude told her but I found that unlikely.

I didn't even bother breaking up the pair just to remind Jude that we were in a place full of celebs, who are most known for spreading news and gossip like wildfire but I drew the line when he slowly leaned in and pecked her lips softly and unlike with me, it seemed genuine, making my blood boil.

I rushed out of my seat and ran out the door of the building, trying to call an uber when I got outside, but soon realized my phone had died and I was not willing to go back inside to ask for someone's help. It was very early in the morning and the street was empty, and my appartement wasn't too far away and I've always liked a long walk, so I started my journey down the street, hearing the music fade the further I walked down the street.

"Vina!" I then heard someone yell. I groaned in response.

"Leave me alone," I said, not looking back, knowing who was there. I didn't hear a voice for a while but heard footsteps running my way and Jude then appeared before me, out of breath. 

"You can't leave," he said.

"Why not?" I scoff.

"The party's not done yet."

"Who cares? I'm tired."

"Well like you said, how are people supposed to believe we're dating if you just leave without me?"

I look at him in disbelief before shaking my head and walking past him, avoiding eye contact as he starts following me.

"Wait, Vina, what's wrong?"

"Jude, stop. Please, just stop. I'm too tired for this,"

"For what?"

"You trying to make up stupid excuses. You pretending like you're so prefect and that I'm always the one fucking up everything," I say, turning to him, "You can't just kiss some girl you've had a crush on while you're supposed to be in a relationship with someone else, especially in front of so many people."

He tries to respond but I cut him off. "The deal's off. I don't even know why I agreed in the first place but I'm done."

"Davina come on-"

"Just go back, please and let me go back home. Alone. I'll call an uber so you're sure I'll make it home but just leave," I say, leaving out the part about how that's impossible.

I turn on my heels and go around the corner, leaving him on the street alone and starting my way back home.


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judebellingham 🎉

judesimp looking fineee 🔥🔥

camavinga photographer doesn't miss 👏👏

davinasimp where's davina ☹😪

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