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The next day, although I am definitely not a morning person, I was up at 6 just so I could get to training grounds early. The reason for it sounds dumb but for me it's crucial to have a decent rest of my day.

As I enter the stadium, I'm relieved to see her office not lit up as well as no sign of her in the cafeteria. I sigh as I lower onto the couch, finally feeling a bit more relaxed to know I won't be seeing her anytime soon.


She's here already. I'd heard a motorcycle park earlier right as I entered the building but had forgotten that she was fanatic of her bike and always took it everywhere. She probably had the same intention of waking up earlier because when she spotted me, she stopped in her tracks for a second, checking her watch and rolling her eyes.

Her headphones were on and her music was blasting, making even me hear the music. She hurriedly grabbed a coffee from the counter and didn't waste any time to turn back to her room. I sighed in relief at the lack of interaction. I'd been worried that she would want to be acquainted since we were going to be working together, but it's good to know that she's still the same bitch she used to be.

As I waste my time away on the couch, the players and coaches enter the building one by one, eventually everyone being there and training starting. As we train, I couldn't help but look around at the stands, not looking for anyone in particular, but just admiring the stadium in its whole.

I saw a few crewmembers sitting and watching, just using up their lunchbreak or any free time they had. It was always fun to train in an empty stadium, but nothing could beat the feeling of 70 000 people cheering and watching you as you play. It was something I could never get used to.

Then, as I was running and my head was still in wonderland, I hit the goal, falling down next to it, earning a few laughs from my teammates as they kept running. I groaned, standing up, clutching my shoulder, chuckling at the event.

One of the medicals ran up to me to see if I was alright and though it did hurt, I didn't want to make a big deal out of it and shrugged them off, resuming my training, which I soon realized was a huge mistake. I kept feeling the stinging in my shoulder and it wasn't hard for others to spot it.

"Jude, go to Davina," coach said, which made me groan. I didn't even feel the pain for a second as I was dreading seeing her, but complied anyway, not wanting to run laps.

I took as long time as I could to get to her room, making a stop at the bathroom, changing rooms and cafeteria before getting to her door. Hesitantly, I knocked and got inside, already hating it.

She was there, bag, keys and helmet in hand as if she was about to leave, but groaned when she saw me holding my shoulder. She dropped her stuff back on the desk and gestured to the bench for me to sit. Her office looked nice though, I'll admit, though it could use a little more life. I heard music playing in the background. It was the same song she was playing this morning.

"What happened?" she finally asks.

I suddenly realized the reason for my injury wasn't a very brave one. Just running against a pole wasn't exactly very courageous or cool, so I just avoided eye contact to make it less obvious.

"I don't know," I said. What, Jude? What kind of stupid answer is that, now it's even more suspicious.

"Well that won't help me any further will it," she says, obviously amused, which annoyed me to every end. I curse internally. Why did she out of all people have to be the new therapist? She's so annoying.

"Fine I ran into the goal and hit my shoulder," I answer, getting a chuckle from her.

"Okay, see that wasn't that hard, unlike the goal," she says. Oh so she's got jokes, great. I wasn't amused at all though.

"Ugh shut up I forgot how annoying you are," I groan, then taking my shirt off revealing my amazing physique, definitely the best one out of everyone on the team and Davina seemed to agree as her eyes glanced down to my chest. I could only raise my eyebrows at the action.

I know I look great, but I'd never imagine Davina Vásquez to think that. She would rather jump off a bridge than compliment me about anything, especially my appearance. Although it boosted my ego, I couldn't help but feel curious about it.

I lied down on the bench while she looked at my shoulder, singing along to a Frank Ocean song. I'll admit, her music taste is not bad. Though I'm not a huge fan of him, it was alright. But her voice ruined it though. It was absolute horror.

"You're terrible at singing." I just say, her eyes rolling at the comment.

"You're not a shit football player," she then says, which shocks me. Was that a compliment? Well ,she was right, I'm an amazing football player, but I'd never thought those words would come from her. It kind of felt even better receiving a compliment from her than from anyone else, it almost felt rewarding.

"But I absolutely hate you," there it was. Thank God I'd thought she'd turned soft on me, which would've been the end of my days. I was amused by the thought of it.

Eventually, she cleared me, giving me instructions, me listening very concentrated, not wanting to ruin my chances of getting better. Then she quickly kicked me out, literally pushing me out to the corridor and slammed the door behind me. Rude.

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